portfolio_lorenzo piccinini

L o r e n z o P i c c i n i n i P o r t f o l i o

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L o r e n z o P i c c i n i n i

P o r t f o l i o

Page 2: Portfolio_Lorenzo Piccinini


2 4

Vienna house of music.

4 0

The new kindergarten of Castiglione delle Stiviere, Mantova, Italia.

4 6

Redevelopment of an historic area in the center of Mantova with residential and public functions.

2 6

Exercise on ligth pavilion.

3 6

Redevelopment of the area of Sote tower connecting it with the near parks.

3 40 4

2 0

New cultural and receptive center inside the area of the Capuchin friars convent, built in 1832, in Villafranca Vr.

Apartament renovation located along the river Agide in Verona instide the old town zone.

Exercise on classroom reuse.

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Concept of the project

The main idea was to design new buldings and insert them in this area respecting the morphology of the context looking at the urban setting and the height of the sourrounding.

Masterplan current situation

Accessibil ity


Courts composition Consolidation MasterplanGrid project

Current situation


Polytechnic of Milan - seat MantuaMaster in architecture

Theme of design

The theme developed in this thesis concerns the design of a new cultural and receptive center inside the area of the Ca-puchin friars convent, built in 1832, in Villafranca di Verona. In particular, the project was born from the needs of the Friars to insert new functions in the convent and the possibility to connect this area with the city, making it accessible to the population. In fact, being located in the historic center near the Scaliger Castle is a great opportunity to extend the bond that has always existed between the brothers and the community of Villafranca. Being aware of the symbol representing the monasteries I researched the basic concepts of monastic life and the guidelines that have always characterized the construction of the convents throughout history. Historical research of the convent and of the town of Vil-lafranca combined with urban analysis has allowed us to understand the morphology of the site and to translate these UHSRUWV�LQWR�D�SURMHFW�LQVLGH�D�GHÀQHG�DQG�VWUXFWXUHG�XUEDQ�context.

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Portion municipal map

Full and empty spaces

Historical elements in the surrounding of the project area

Road network

Important buildings and intended uses of the ground Á o


Green areas, open public spaces

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Elevation west scale1:800 - Project

Elevation east scale1:800 - Project

Masterplan scale 1:1000 - Project





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Elevation south scale1:800

Section A-A scale1:80010 11

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Render 1 View from the main square. The elimination of a port of the wall opens the view of the castle which forms the scenic backdrop. On the left we can see the museum and on the right the kindegarten.

Render 2 We see with white color the building designed for laboratory and exhibition by disadvantaged people. The large glazed opening allows us to see the thematic garden inside. The rhythm of the pillars allocated at different distances push the view to the thematic and botanic garden.

Render 3 View of the small church from the hole created from the old wall. The line of the trees and the museum on the right emphasize the prospec-tive effect giving importance to the church.

Render 4 View of distribution space in the museum where there are alter-nate spaces of shadow and light brought by the windows overlooking the garden and the skylights of the exhibition rooms.





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Section B-B scale 1:800

Section C-C scale 1:800






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Render 5 In the render on the left we can see the coworking building, while on the right the green houses belong to the botanic garden.

Render 6 Interior view from one of the four bota-nical garden greenhouses, where we can under-stand the structure and composition of spaces.

Render 7 View of the south entrance of the project area. On the right we can see the wall of the kindegarten characterized by colourful windows. On the left starts the botanic and the thematic garden.





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Conceptual sketches of the project development

Section E-E scale1:800

Section D-D scale1:800

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501���$UFKLWHFWXUH�RIÀFH��9HURQD���5HVLGHQ-tial renovation project

Theme of design:

Renovation of the apartment, developed RQ�WKH�ÀUVW�ÁRRU�DQG�WKH�DWWLF�RI�DQ�ROG�building, located along the river Agide in Verona inside the old town zone.

Concept of the project

The main concept concern the redesign of the all apartment enphasizing visual con-nections beetween the dining/living areas DQG�PRYLQJ�GRZQ�WKH�ÁORRU�VODE�FUHDWLQJ�an accessible attic where to position the slepping area.

On the top, we can see the elegant effect of the staircase in the dining room creating a suggestive background of the beatiful river side view.

On the left, the openings, simmetrically arranged, allow the visul connections of the dining/living areas empasizing the classici-sm of the building


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On the top, we can see on the left the renders of the bookcase and living area; instead on the right the study model of the staircase.

On the bottom, two different attic ÁRRU�SODQ�YLHZV�

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BME - Budapest University of Techno-logy and EconomicsErasmus - English course 5° year

Theme of design:

Exercise on classroom reuse

Pictures of the classroom

Concept of the project

We had to change the function of a classroom looking at the location and

using a theme that matched the university.Looking at the coridor full of panels of students, I decided to design an exhibi-tion gallery that could host art exhibition as well as project panels of students.Looking at the size and the height i de-

signed an unique path that runs at different levels through the space

of the room creating various locations adaptable to

the exhibitions.




Floor plan

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City of Budapest, project area highlighted in red


BME - Budapest University of Techno-logy and EconomicsErasmus - English course 5° year

Theme of design

Redevelopment of the area of Sote tower connecting it with the near parks.

Concept of the project

The main idea was to create a public space on the roof of the bu-ilding and to link this space with the square and the sorrounding parks by footbridges overpassing the streets that dived all the pedestrian ares. The project concerns also the redesign of the square with seats and exhibition areas in the place of the parking area.


Project area - Sote Tower

Masterplan 26 27

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Square plan scale 1:500

Section B - B scale 1:500

Section A - A scale 1:500

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Section B - B scale 1:1000

Section C - C scale 1:1000


View of the footbridges and the square30 31

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View of the footbridges from the tram station

View of the footbridges and the square View of the total square and the footbridges

View of the footbridges and the square

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Elevation south-east

Concept of the project

We had to design a square pavilion creating inside different effects of natural light. I chose the shining VXUIDFHV�WR�UHÁHFW�WKH�OLJKWV�DQG�WKH�black color of the walls and ceiling to focus the attention only on the light sources. The walls facing south-east and south-west are made by panels with cuts of different shapes and characterized by a different opacity that allow different light effects.


BME - Budapest University of Techno-logy and EconomicsErasmus - English course 5° year

Theme of design:

Exercise on ligth pavilionv

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Polytechnic of Milan - seat MantuaScience of architecture 2° year

Theme of design:

Redevelopment of an historic area in the center of Mantova with resi-dential and public functions

Concept of the project

The project started from the con-cept of the courts. ,W�KDV�FUHDWHG�WZR�FRXUWV�GHÀQLHG�by the buildings. In particolar on the left is located the pubic square sourrounded by buildings with public functions: at the ground level there are restaurant, atelier, bar, instead DW�WKH�ÀUVW�OHYHO�WKHUH�LV�D�FRQIH-rence room. The public square is characterized by a big open space connected to the street to welcome WKH�SHRSOH�DQG�E\�D�VSHFLÀF�UHOD-tion with the historical wall that mark the diviosn between the street and the square with different openings.On the right instead there is the residential part of the complex and the cort is developed with a private atmosphere hidden from the street by the building.


Masterplan scale 1:600


Masterplan 1:500

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Portion east elevation scale 1:200


West elevation over the construction area and the old wall scale 1:500

Section A-A scale 1:200

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The ring of Vienna - project area highlighted in red


Polytechnic of Milan - seat MantuaScience of architecture 3° year

Theme of design:

Vienna house of music.

Concept of the project

The concept of the project was to SURWHFW�WKH�SDUN�IURP�WKH�WUDIÀF�congestion and pollution coming from the big streets located at the north and east of the project area. Furthermore to goal was to em-phasize the presence of the park attracting people inside.The project has been divided in two different buildings linked by a squa-re where are located the entrances. From that point starts the diagonal that accross the park and creates a different public speaces on the river side giving to the people different atmospherest.

Masterplan scale 1:1000

The park and project area highlighted in red

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Section B-B scale 1:50042 43

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)LUVW�ÁRRU�SODQ�VFDOH������ Section A-A scale 1:50044 45

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Polytechnic of Milan - seat MantuaArchitecture and building produc-tion 3° year

Theme of design:

The new kindergarten of Castiglione delle Stiviere, Mantova, Italia

Concept of the project

The bootom line was to create a kindegarden thought of as a village for the children.The complex is composed by the classrooms arraged around an open spaces that constitute the “square of the village” used as palyground and open space. From this main point the children can see outside of the complex through empty spa-ces situated between the classro-oms that at the same time preserve the discretion of this space.

Sketch of a single part with internal division

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Part of detailed section B-B scale 1:50


Detail junction between wall and roof sc. 1:20

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