pattinaggio 31° coppa europa - uisp · 31° coppa europa trofeo uisp info: - - 30° european...

FOLGARIA (TRENTINO - ITALY) DAL 20 AL 24 MARZO 2019 WWW.ALPECIMBRA.IT Gara internazionale di PATTINAGGIO ARTISTICO SU GHIACCIO interpretativo e gruppi collettivi International competition of FIGURE ICE SKATING interpretative and groups 31° COPPA EUROPA TROFEO UISP INFO: WWW.EUROPEANCRITERIUM.EU - WWW.UISP.IT/TRENTO - 30° European Criterium - Pattinaggio

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Page 1: Pattinaggio 31° COPPA EUROPA - UISP · 31° COPPA EUROPA TROFEO UISP INFO: - - 30° European Criterium - BY TRAIN: The railway station of Rovereto, on the Brennero line, is 18 km

1.30 h1.00 h

2.00 h



UFFICIO DI FOLGARIAFOLGARIA OFFICEVia Roma, 67I-38064 Folgaria (Trento)Tel. +39 0464 724100 Fax. +39 0464 720250

UFFICIO DI LAVARONELAVARONE OFFICEFraz. Gionghi, 107I-38046 Lavarone (Trento)Tel. +39 0464 724144Fax. +39 0464 783118

UFFICIO DI LUSÉRNLUSÉRN OFFICEPiazza MarconiI-38040 Lusérn (Trento)Tel. +39 0464 789641Mob. +39 366 4394630

[email protected]




DAL 20 AL 24 MARZO 2019

W W W . A L P E C I M B R A . I T

Gara internazionale diPATTINAGGIO ARTISTICO SU GHIACCIOinterpretativo e gruppi collettivi

International competition ofFIGURE ICE SKATINGinterpretative and groups


I N F O : W W W . E U R O P E A N C R I T E R I U M . E U - W W W . U I S P . I T / T R E N T O

- 30° European Criterium -

BY TRAIN: The railway station of Rovereto, on the Brennero line, is 18 km far from Folgaria and 30 km far from Lavarone.The railway station of Trento, on the Brenner line, is 30 km far from Folgaria and 35 km from Lavarone.

BY PLANE: The nearest airport is Verona Villafranca, 90 km far away. Shuttle bus runs regularly between the airport and Verona train station (10 min.) From there you can get direct train connections with Trento and Rovereto.


Page 2: Pattinaggio 31° COPPA EUROPA - UISP · 31° COPPA EUROPA TROFEO UISP INFO: - - 30° European Criterium - BY TRAIN: The railway station of Rovereto, on the Brennero line, is 18 km

Alpe Cimbra... your best holiday in �e mountains!

����������� is exci�ng during every season of �e year. In a spectacular frame of uncontaminated natural scenery, you can experience an exhilara�ng holiday by devo�ng yourself to your favourite spo�s and ac�vi�es, wi� so many offerings perfect for �e whole family. Skiing and snowboarding, hiking and mountain biking, horseba� riding and golf, and so much culture, great f�d and tradi�ons. Come discover �e countless wonders at Alpe Cimbra, an unforge�able experience!

L’����������� regala emozioni in ogni stagione dell’anno. In una spe�acolare cornice di paesaggi naturali incontamina� potrai vivere una vacanza esaltante dedicando� ai tuoi spo� e a�ività preferite grazie a tante proposte ada�e a tu�a la famiglia. Sci e snowboard, escursioni e mountain bike, equitazione e golf, e tanta cultura, buona cucina e tradizioni. Vieni a scoprire le innumerevoli meraviglie dell’Alpe Cimbra, un’esperienza indimen�cabile!

���������������������h. 16.00-21.00 Prac�ce

h. 18.00 Draw: Chi�s II -I Girl/Boy

Cubs II-I Girl/Boy

h. 19.15 Judges mee�ng

��������������������h. 08.00-08.40 Prac�ce

h. 09.00-14.00 Chi�s II-I Girl-Boys

h. 14.20 Awarding Chi�s Girl/Boy

h.14.45-20.00 Cubs I-II Girl/Boy

h. 17.30 Draw: Novice Girl/Boy

Intermediate novice Girl/Boy

h. 20.10 Awarding Cubs Girl/Boy

h. 20.30-22.00 Prac�ce

����������������h. 08.00-09.20 Prac�ce

h. 09.40-16.00 Novice Girl/Boys

h. 16.10 Awarding Novice Girl/Boy

h. 16.40-19.40 Intermediate Novice Girl/Boy

h. 17.30 Draw: Advanced Novice Girl/Boy

Junior lady/man , Senior lady/man

Interpreta�ve A-B-C


h. 19.50 Awarding Intermediate

Novice Girl/Boy

h. 20.10-22.00 Prac�ce

�������������������h. 07.30-09.45 Prac�ce

h. 10.00-13.00 Sho� Program Advanced

Novice Girl/Boy

h. 13.15-17.00 Sho� Program Junior


h. 17.15 -18.15 Sho� Program Senior


h. 18.15 -20.00 Interpreta�ve A-B-C

h. 20.00-20.30 Groups

h. 20.30 Awarding Interpreta�ve



h. 20.50-22.00 Prac�ce

�����������������h. 07.30-10.00 Prac�ce

h. 10.15-13.45 Free Program

Advanced Girl-Boys

h. 14.15-18.30 Free Program Junior


h. 18.45-20.00 Free Program Senior


h. 20.10 Awarding Advanced

Novice Girl/Boy

Junior lady/man

Senior lady/man




sta� �������� * in half board

sta� ���������* in half board

sta� ���������* in half board

sta� ���������* in half board

sta� ��������� / 4 nights

���������� �������



More information:

INDOOR ICE RINK FOLGARIAVia Nazioni Unite, 38064 Folgaria TN


* price per night

(change of Time Schedule is possible)

Timetable, results and o�ers informa�on will be announced in �e website ������������������������

(Awarding only for �e 1°-2°-3° place)

Page 3: Pattinaggio 31° COPPA EUROPA - UISP · 31° COPPA EUROPA TROFEO UISP INFO: - - 30° European Criterium - BY TRAIN: The railway station of Rovereto, on the Brennero line, is 18 km

Alpe Cimbra... your best holiday in �e mountains!

����������� is exci�ng during every season of �e year. In a spectacular frame of uncontaminated natural scenery, you can experience an exhilara�ng holiday by devo�ng yourself to your favourite spo�s and ac�vi�es, wi� so many offerings perfect for �e whole family. Skiing and snowboarding, hiking and mountain biking, horseba� riding and golf, and so much culture, great f�d and tradi�ons. Come discover �e countless wonders at Alpe Cimbra, an unforge�able experience!

L’����������� regala emozioni in ogni stagione dell’anno. In una spe�acolare cornice di paesaggi naturali incontamina� potrai vivere una vacanza esaltante dedicando� ai tuoi spo� e a�ività preferite grazie a tante proposte ada�e a tu�a la famiglia. Sci e snowboard, escursioni e mountain bike, equitazione e golf, e tanta cultura, buona cucina e tradizioni. Vieni a scoprire le innumerevoli meraviglie dell’Alpe Cimbra, un’esperienza indimen�cabile!

���������������������h. 16.00-21.00 Prac�ce

h. 18.00 Draw: Chi�s II -I Girl/Boy

Cubs II-I Girl/Boy

h. 19.15 Judges mee�ng

��������������������h. 08.00-08.40 Prac�ce

h. 09.00-14.00 Chi�s II-I Girl-Boys

h. 14.20 Awarding Chi�s Girl/Boy

h.14.45-20.00 Cubs I-II Girl/Boy

h. 17.30 Draw: Novice Girl/Boy

Intermediate novice Girl/Boy

h. 20.10 Awarding Cubs Girl/Boy

h. 20.30-22.00 Prac�ce

����������������h. 08.00-09.20 Prac�ce

h. 09.40-16.00 Novice Girl/Boys

h. 16.10 Awarding Novice Girl/Boy

h. 16.40-19.40 Intermediate Novice Girl/Boy

h. 17.30 Draw: Advanced Novice Girl/Boy

Junior lady/man , Senior lady/man

Interpreta�ve A-B-C


h. 19.50 Awarding Intermediate

Novice Girl/Boy

h. 20.10-22.00 Prac�ce

�������������������h. 07.30-09.45 Prac�ce

h. 10.00-13.00 Sho� Program Advanced

Novice Girl/Boy

h. 13.15-17.00 Sho� Program Junior


h. 17.15 -18.15 Sho� Program Senior


h. 18.15 -20.00 Interpreta�ve A-B-C

h. 20.00-20.30 Groups

h. 20.30 Awarding Interpreta�ve



h. 20.50-22.00 Prac�ce

�����������������h. 07.30-10.00 Prac�ce

h. 10.15-13.45 Free Program

Advanced Girl-Boys

h. 14.15-18.30 Free Program Junior


h. 18.45-20.00 Free Program Senior


h. 20.10 Awarding Advanced

Novice Girl/Boy

Junior lady/man

Senior lady/man




sta� �������� * in half board

sta� ���������* in half board

sta� ���������* in half board

sta� ���������* in half board

sta� ��������� / 4 nights

���������� �������



More information:

INDOOR ICE RINK FOLGARIAVia Nazioni Unite, 38064 Folgaria TN


* price per night

(change of Time Schedule is possible)

Timetable, results and o�ers informa�on will be announced in �e website ������������������������

(Awarding only for �e 1°-2°-3° place)

Page 4: Pattinaggio 31° COPPA EUROPA - UISP · 31° COPPA EUROPA TROFEO UISP INFO: - - 30° European Criterium - BY TRAIN: The railway station of Rovereto, on the Brennero line, is 18 km

Judges panels and scores - �ree judges as following:

- judge only ais�c value: jumps, spins, ska�ng;

- judge global value: global program;

-judge only choreography-dance value: interpreta�on,

posture, originality of program.

The score is only one each judge and �e mark is minimum

0.0 and maximum 6.0.

Final result: majority posi�on; in case of equal posi�on, �e

best result in �e interpreta�ve value wins.

�������Each group must consist of at least 8 a�letes for each team.

Each a�lete may paecipate to and compete for only one



There is no age limit and skaters of bo� sexes are allowed.

The Performance �me for each group is between 2’30” and


�������������������� �It is allowed to take onto �e ice rink or close to it objects

made of paper, cardboard, fabric, rope, w�d, matal, etc.

which are strictly necessary to �e performance. They have

to be brought inside by �e skaters �emselves and �e

dimensions may not exceed 20 sq. meters. Such objects

shall be che�ed by �e members of �e Complaint

Co�ission before �e beginning of �e performance. It is

absolutely prohibited to make use of chemical

smoke-producers or of any o�er dangerous material. There

will be a penalty for �e team which should not respect �e

above men�oned regula�on. The Judges Panel shall not,

when vo�ng for ais�c merite, consider such objects, as

�ey are pa of �e choreographic setup for which no merite

is provided. If a group should have to stop �e performance

due to foe majeure, it will be allowed to repeat �e whole

performance, whichever span of �me shall have elapsed at

�e �me of suspension. The teams have to provide two

copies of �e performance soundtra�.

����� ������For �is spoing event a panel of 3 judges will be appointed

and �ey will have to vote comprehensively and not

anali�cally. Judgments shall have to be based on �e

evalua�on of �e group as a whole, disregarding any

individual di� culty. The standing shall be drawn by �e

ranking system.

���� �Each judge shall have two boards for vo�ng: �e first one

wi� digits from 0 to 6 for integers and �e second one wi�

digits from 0 to 9 for decimals. The score shall be one.

������� �Who exceeds or stays under �e minimum performance �me by

15 seconds shall be penalized by 1 point for each one of �e

judges. Who makes use of chemical smoke-producers or of

harmful materials (except dry ice), shall be penalized by 2 points

for each one of �e judges. Who makes use of objects

exceeding �e size permi�ed by �e regula�on will be penalized

by 1 point and a half for each one of �e judges. If �e object

shall have been taken onto �e ice rink by someone diff erent

from �e performing skaters, �e group shall be penalized by 1

point for each one of �e judges. The non-men�on of a coali�on

wi� ano�er team will cause disqualifica�on.

��������Invied �e entries wi� �e poal

Before entry procedure club-associa�on need to apply for new

account on

Entry fee is 40 euro for skater for �e categorie:

Chi�s,Cubs,Novice,Intermediate novice, Interpreta�ve. 50

euro for �e categorie: Advanced novices, Junior,Senior.

The entry fee must be paid for each compe�tor at �e

registra�on before �e compe��on.

Paecipan�ng teams must announce changes in �eir teams

i�ediately after �eir arrival in Ice Stadium Folgaria.

Deadline entries 7 march 2019.

����������Cancella�on of �e compe�tor entry, if any, has to be done

March 18� 2019 wi� email to [email protected].

For any la�er cancella�on �e team leader or any

rappresenta�ve club will be asked to pay �e entry fee.

������Organizers of �e European Criterium website are co�i�ed to

�e proper protec�on of personal data in accordance wi� �e

European Union GDPR Regula�on. Therefore, in �e context of

Privacy Policy, is require appropriate consent in �e

applica�ons.Wi�out �is, �e entries for European Criterium

compe��ons not possible in �e future.

Technical Program

The factors for �e Program Components is

a) Sho Program - for boys 0.9- for girls 0.8

The ���������������������� ������shall consist of

�e following elements:

a) Axel Paulsen or double Axel Paulsen

b) Double or triple jump, may not repeat jump a)

c) One jump combina�on consis�ng of two double jumps or

one double and one triple jump, bo� jumps may not repeat

jump a) or b)

d) Camel, sit or upright spin (minimum of five (5)

revolu�ons on each fo ot) wi� change of f�t and no flying


e) Spin combina�on wi� only one change of fo ot

(minimum of five (5) revolu�ons on each fo ot). Flying entry

is allowed

f) One step sequence fully u�lizing �e ice surface.

The ����������������������� ����� shall consist of

�e following elements:

a) Axel Paulsen or double Axel Paulsen

b) Double or triple jump, may not repeat jump a)

c) One jump combina�on consis�ng of two double jumps

or one double and one triple jump, bo� jumps may not

repeat jump a) or b)

d) Layba�/sideways leaning spin or spin in one basic

posi�on wi� no change of fo ot (minimum six (6)


e) Spin combina�on wi� only one change of fo ot (minimum

of five (5) revolu�ons on each fo ot). Flying entry is allowed

f) One step sequence fully u�lizing �e ice surface.

�� ����­������������ ������������������ �������������������������������d) Maximum of 6 jump elements one of which must be an Axel type

jump. There may be up to two (2) jump combina�ons or sequences.

A jump combina�on can contain only two (2) jump. A jump

sequence consists of two (2) jumps of any number of revolu�ons,

beginning wi� a any jump, i�ediataly followed by an Axel type

jump wi� a direct step from �e landing curve of �e first jump to

�e take-off curve of �e Axel jump. Only two (2) triple jumps can

be repeated ei�er in a jump combina�on or a jump sequence. No

quadruple jumps are allowed. Any single, double (including Double

Axel) or triple jump cannot be executed more �an twice in total.

e) There must be a maximum of two (2) spins of a different nature

(abbreviaton), one of which must be a spin combina�on wi�

change of f�t (minimum eight (8) revolun�ons) flying entrance is

not allowed and one must be a flying spin (minimum six (6)

revolu�ons) or a spin in one posi�on wi� change of f�t and a

flying entrance (minimum eight (8) revolu�ons).

f) There must be a maximum of one (1) step sequence fully u�lizing

�e ice surface.

�������������������For Advanced Novice Singles, in all elements �at are subject to

Levels, only features up to Level 3 will be counted. Any addi�onal

features will not count for Level requirements and will be ignored

by �e Technical Panel.

The Program Components are only judged in

- Ska�ng Skills - Performance

- Transi�ons - Interpreta�on


������ ����� Interna�onal regula�on n. 2172


sho program max 2.20 min. +/- 10 sec

free program 3.00 min. +/- 10 sec.


sho program max 2.20 min. +/- 10 sec

free program 3.30 min. +/- 10 sec.

������������� Interna�onal regula�ons

sho program max 2.40 min. +/- 10 sec

free ska�ng min. 3.30 women-men +/- 10 sec

b) Free Ska�ng - for boys 1.8- for girls 1.6


born 01.07.2003 - 30.06.2005

Girls and Boys Free Ska�ng 3.00 min. +/- 10 sec.


Jumps not according to Sho Program requirements (wrong

number of revolu�ons) will receive no value.

If �e same jump is executed as a solo jump and as a pa of �e jump

combina�on, �e repeated jump will not be counted (if �is repe��on

is in a jump combina�on, only �e individual jump which is not

according to �e above requirements will not be counted).

News, Informa�on and final results:

A present as souvenir for every a�lete

�������������The club interested at �e extra prac�ce in Folgaria ice rink in �e day 17/18/19 March and for �e 20 March only h. 09.00-12.00, please contact directly �e direc�on for all informa�on at �e e mail: [email protected]

Page 5: Pattinaggio 31° COPPA EUROPA - UISP · 31° COPPA EUROPA TROFEO UISP INFO: - - 30° European Criterium - BY TRAIN: The railway station of Rovereto, on the Brennero line, is 18 km

The sequence will have a i xed Base value and evaluated in GOE only.

- for Boys maximum of one (1) step sequence wi� a i xed Base value

and evaluated in GOE only.

�������������������For Chi�s in all elements which are subject to Levels, only features

up to Level 2 wil be counted. Any addi�onal features will not count for

Level requirements and will be ignored by �e Technical Panel.

The program Components are only judged in:

- Ska�ng Skills

- Performance/Execu�on

The factor of �e Program Components is 2.5

����������� Each na�on may nominate one interna�onal judges for �e

compe��on. The judge will be guest of �e Organizing Co�i�ee in

�e respect European Criterium rules. The panel of judges shall consist

minimun of 5 judges for �e senior, junior, advanced novice and

minimun 3 judges for all o�er levels. The panels takes place on �e

occasion of �e Judges Mee�ng.

Calcula�onof resaults:

- New system : all categorie

- OBO system : Interpreta�ve - Groups



a) Born in 2007/2008/2009/2010 - Free program: 2 min. (10’’ bonus)

In �e program are allowed only 2 single jumps, not repeated and not

in combina�on;

b) Born in 2004/2005/2006 - Free program: 2 min. (10’’ bonus) In

�e program are allowed only 3 single jumps, not repeated and not in


c) Born in 2003 and before - Free program: 2 min. 30 sec. (10’’ bonus)

In �e program are allowed all single jumps, not repeated and not in


A�en�on: a program wi� o�er jumps means disqualifica�on of �e a�lete.

Music: accept �e vocal.

Costums: according to �e interpreta�on of �e music-�eme.

Objects: allowed if transpo¡ed only by �e a�lete and if strictly

necessary for �e Performance and not dangerous for �e ice. The

maximum �me for transpo¡ed �e objects in �e ice it’s 30” seconds.

Penality extra�me: 1 pont for judge

combina�on wi� or wi�out change of f£t (minimum of

six (6) revolu�ons in total).and one spin wi� no change

of posi�on and wi� or wi�out change of f£t (minimum

of six (6) revolu�ons in total). Flying entry is allowed.

c) There must be a maximum:

- for Girls one (1) Choreographic sequence which

includes at least one 3 seconds long spiral posi�on.The

sequence will have a i xed Base value and evaluated in

GOE only.

- for Boys maximum of one (1) step sequence wi� a i xed

Base value and evaluated in GOE only.

�������������������For Cubs in all elements which are subject to Levels,

only features up to Level 2 will be counted. Any

addi�onal features will not count for Level requirements

and will be ignored by �e Technical Panel.

The program Components are only judged in:

- Ska�ng Skills

- Performance/Execu�on

�������������������������������������������� ����������Free Ska�ng. Dura�on: 2.00 min, +/- 10 sec.

a) Maximum of 4 jump elements for Girls and Boys, one

of which must be an Axel type jump. There may be

up to two (2) jump combina�ons or sequences. Jump

combina�on can contain only two (2) jumps. A jump

sequence can contain any number of jumps, but only �e

two most di� cult jumps will be counted. Triple jumps

are not permi�ed. Any single or double jump (including

Double Axel) cannot be executed more �an twice in


b) There must be a maximum of two (2) spins of a

different nature (abbrevia�on), one of which must be a

spin combina�on wi� or wi�out change of fo ot

(minimum of six (6) revolu�ons in total) and one spin

wi� no change of posi�on and wi� or wi�out change of

f£t (minimum of six (6) revolu�ons in total). Flying entry

is allowed. c) There must be a maximum:

- for Girls one (1) Choreographic sequence which

includes at least one 3 seconds long spiral posi�on.

The factor of �e Program Components is 2.5

�������������� born 01.07.2010 - 30.06.2011

���������������� born 01.07.2011 and younger

����������� born 01.07.2010 and younger

������� �������� Interna�onal regula�ons

Sho¡ program max 2.40 min. +/- 10 sec.

Free program max 4.00 min. +/- 10 sec.

��������������������������������������������� ���� ��������� ��� ����������a) Maximum of 5 jumps elements one of which must be an Axel

type jump. There may be up to two (2) jump combina�ons or

sequences. A jump combina�on can contain only two (2)

jumps. A jump sequence consists of two (2) jumps of any

number of revolu�ons , beginning wi� any jump, i�ediately

followed by an Axel type jump wi� a direct step from �e

landing curve of �e first jump to �e take-off curve of �e Axel

jump. No triple and quadruple jumps allowed. Any single or

double (including double Axel) jump cannot be executed more

�an twice in total.

b) There must be a maximum of two (2) spins of a different

nature (abbrevia�on), one off which must be a spin

combina�on wi� change of f£t (minimum eight (8)

revolu�ons), flying entrance is not allowed and one must be a

flying spin (minimum six (6) revolu�ons) or a spin in one

posi�on wi� change of f£t and a flying entrance ( minimum

eight (8) revolu�ons).

c) There must be a maximum of one (1) step sequence fully

u�lizing �e ice surface.

The Program Components are only judged in

- Ska�ng Skills

- Performance/Execu�on

- Interpreta�on

or sequence. Jump combina�ons can contain only two (2)

jumps. A jump sequence consists of 2 (two) jumps of any

number of revolu�ons, beginning wi� any jumps, i�ediately

followed by an Axel type jump wi� a direct step from �e

landing curve of �e first jump to �e take-off curve �e Axel

jump. No triple and quadruple jumps are allowed. Any single

and double jump (including Double Axel) cannot be executed

more �an twice in total.

b) There must be a maximum of two (2) spins of a diff erent

nature (abbrevia�on), one of which must be a spin

combina�on and one must be a spin wi� no change of

posi�on. The spin combina�on wi� change of f£t and a

minimum of eight (8) revolu�ons or wi�out a change of f£t

wi� a minimum of six (6) revolu�ons. The spin in one

posi�on wi� change of f£t minimum of eight (8) revolu�ons

or spin in one posi�on wi�out change of f£t minimum six (6)

revolu�ons. In bo� spins l ying entries are allowed.

c) There must be one (1) step sequence wi� fully u�lizing �e

ice surface.

The Program Components are only judged in

- Ska�ng Skills

- Performance/Execu�on

The factor of �e Program Components is 2.5.

����� ������������ ��For Basic Novice Singles, in all elements �at are subject to

Levels, only features up to Level 2 will be counted. Any

addi�onal features will not count for Level requirements and

will be ignored by �e Technical Panel.

The factors for �e Program Components is

- for boys 2.0

- for girls 1.7

����� ������������ ��For Intermediate Novice Singles, in all elements which are

subject to Levels, only features up to Level 2 will be counted.

Any addi�onal features will not count for Level requirements

and will be ignored by �e Technical Panel.

�������������� born 01.07.2005 - 30.06.2006

���������������� born 01.07.2006 - 30.06.2007

����������������� born 01.07.2007 - 30.06.2008

������������ born 01.07.2005 - 30.06.2008

Girls and Boys Free Ska�ng 2.30 min. +/- 10 sec.

2 3

������������ born 01.07.2008 - 30.06.2009

������������ born 01.07.2009 - 30.06.2010

�������� born 01.07.2007 – 30.06.2009

������������������������������������������ ���������Free Ska�ng. Dura�on: 2.00 min. +/- 10 sec.

a) Maximum of 4 jump elements for Girls and Boys, one of

which must be an Axel type jump. There may be up to two

(2) jump combina�ons or sequence. Jump combina�on can

contain only two (2) jumps. A jump sequence can contain any

number of jumps, but only �e two most di� cult jumps will be

counted. Triple jumps are not permi�ed. Any single or double

jump (including Double Axel) cannot be executed more �en

twice in total.

b) There must be a maximum of two (2) spins of a diff erent

nature (abbrevia�on), one of which must be a spin

��������������������������������������������� ����� ��������� a) Maximum of 4 jump elements one of which must be an

Axel type jump. There may be up to two (2) jump combina�ons

Page 6: Pattinaggio 31° COPPA EUROPA - UISP · 31° COPPA EUROPA TROFEO UISP INFO: - - 30° European Criterium - BY TRAIN: The railway station of Rovereto, on the Brennero line, is 18 km

The sequence will have a i xed Base value and evaluated in GOE only.

- for Boys maximum of one (1) step sequence wi� a i xed Base value

and evaluated in GOE only.

�������������������For Chi�s in all elements which are subject to Levels, only features

up to Level 2 wil be counted. Any addi�onal features will not count for

Level requirements and will be ignored by �e Technical Panel.

The program Components are only judged in:

- Ska�ng Skills

- Performance/Execu�on

The factor of �e Program Components is 2.5

����������� Each na�on may nominate one interna�onal judges for �e

compe��on. The judge will be guest of �e Organizing Co�i�ee in

�e respect European Criterium rules. The panel of judges shall consist

minimun of 5 judges for �e senior, junior, advanced novice and

minimun 3 judges for all o�er levels. The panels takes place on �e

occasion of �e Judges Mee�ng.

Calcula�onof resaults:

- New system : all categorie

- OBO system : Interpreta�ve - Groups



a) Born in 2007/2008/2009/2010 - Free program: 2 min. (10’’ bonus)

In �e program are allowed only 2 single jumps, not repeated and not

in combina�on;

b) Born in 2004/2005/2006 - Free program: 2 min. (10’’ bonus) In

�e program are allowed only 3 single jumps, not repeated and not in


c) Born in 2003 and before - Free program: 2 min. 30 sec. (10’’ bonus)

In �e program are allowed all single jumps, not repeated and not in


A�en�on: a program wi� o�er jumps means disqualifica�on of �e a�lete.

Music: accept �e vocal.

Costums: according to �e interpreta�on of �e music-�eme.

Objects: allowed if transpo¡ed only by �e a�lete and if strictly

necessary for �e Performance and not dangerous for �e ice. The

maximum �me for transpo¡ed �e objects in �e ice it’s 30” seconds.

Penality extra�me: 1 pont for judge

combina�on wi� or wi�out change of f£t (minimum of

six (6) revolu�ons in total).and one spin wi� no change

of posi�on and wi� or wi�out change of f£t (minimum

of six (6) revolu�ons in total). Flying entry is allowed.

c) There must be a maximum:

- for Girls one (1) Choreographic sequence which

includes at least one 3 seconds long spiral posi�on.The

sequence will have a i xed Base value and evaluated in

GOE only.

- for Boys maximum of one (1) step sequence wi� a i xed

Base value and evaluated in GOE only.

�������������������For Cubs in all elements which are subject to Levels,

only features up to Level 2 will be counted. Any

addi�onal features will not count for Level requirements

and will be ignored by �e Technical Panel.

The program Components are only judged in:

- Ska�ng Skills

- Performance/Execu�on

�������������������������������������������� ����������Free Ska�ng. Dura�on: 2.00 min, +/- 10 sec.

a) Maximum of 4 jump elements for Girls and Boys, one

of which must be an Axel type jump. There may be

up to two (2) jump combina�ons or sequences. Jump

combina�on can contain only two (2) jumps. A jump

sequence can contain any number of jumps, but only �e

two most di� cult jumps will be counted. Triple jumps

are not permi�ed. Any single or double jump (including

Double Axel) cannot be executed more �an twice in


b) There must be a maximum of two (2) spins of a

different nature (abbrevia�on), one of which must be a

spin combina�on wi� or wi�out change of fo ot

(minimum of six (6) revolu�ons in total) and one spin

wi� no change of posi�on and wi� or wi�out change of

f£t (minimum of six (6) revolu�ons in total). Flying entry

is allowed. c) There must be a maximum:

- for Girls one (1) Choreographic sequence which

includes at least one 3 seconds long spiral posi�on.

The factor of �e Program Components is 2.5

�������������� born 01.07.2010 - 30.06.2011

���������������� born 01.07.2011 and younger

����������� born 01.07.2010 and younger

������� �������� Interna�onal regula�ons

Sho¡ program max 2.40 min. +/- 10 sec.

Free program max 4.00 min. +/- 10 sec.

��������������������������������������������� ���� ��������� ��� ����������a) Maximum of 5 jumps elements one of which must be an Axel

type jump. There may be up to two (2) jump combina�ons or

sequences. A jump combina�on can contain only two (2)

jumps. A jump sequence consists of two (2) jumps of any

number of revolu�ons , beginning wi� any jump, i�ediately

followed by an Axel type jump wi� a direct step from �e

landing curve of �e first jump to �e take-off curve of �e Axel

jump. No triple and quadruple jumps allowed. Any single or

double (including double Axel) jump cannot be executed more

�an twice in total.

b) There must be a maximum of two (2) spins of a different

nature (abbrevia�on), one off which must be a spin

combina�on wi� change of f£t (minimum eight (8)

revolu�ons), flying entrance is not allowed and one must be a

flying spin (minimum six (6) revolu�ons) or a spin in one

posi�on wi� change of f£t and a flying entrance ( minimum

eight (8) revolu�ons).

c) There must be a maximum of one (1) step sequence fully

u�lizing �e ice surface.

The Program Components are only judged in

- Ska�ng Skills

- Performance/Execu�on

- Interpreta�on

or sequence. Jump combina�ons can contain only two (2)

jumps. A jump sequence consists of 2 (two) jumps of any

number of revolu�ons, beginning wi� any jumps, i�ediately

followed by an Axel type jump wi� a direct step from �e

landing curve of �e first jump to �e take-off curve �e Axel

jump. No triple and quadruple jumps are allowed. Any single

and double jump (including Double Axel) cannot be executed

more �an twice in total.

b) There must be a maximum of two (2) spins of a diff erent

nature (abbrevia�on), one of which must be a spin

combina�on and one must be a spin wi� no change of

posi�on. The spin combina�on wi� change of f£t and a

minimum of eight (8) revolu�ons or wi�out a change of f£t

wi� a minimum of six (6) revolu�ons. The spin in one

posi�on wi� change of f£t minimum of eight (8) revolu�ons

or spin in one posi�on wi�out change of f£t minimum six (6)

revolu�ons. In bo� spins l ying entries are allowed.

c) There must be one (1) step sequence wi� fully u�lizing �e

ice surface.

The Program Components are only judged in

- Ska�ng Skills

- Performance/Execu�on

The factor of �e Program Components is 2.5.

����� ������������ ��For Basic Novice Singles, in all elements �at are subject to

Levels, only features up to Level 2 will be counted. Any

addi�onal features will not count for Level requirements and

will be ignored by �e Technical Panel.

The factors for �e Program Components is

- for boys 2.0

- for girls 1.7

����� ������������ ��For Intermediate Novice Singles, in all elements which are

subject to Levels, only features up to Level 2 will be counted.

Any addi�onal features will not count for Level requirements

and will be ignored by �e Technical Panel.

�������������� born 01.07.2005 - 30.06.2006

���������������� born 01.07.2006 - 30.06.2007

����������������� born 01.07.2007 - 30.06.2008

������������ born 01.07.2005 - 30.06.2008

Girls and Boys Free Ska�ng 2.30 min. +/- 10 sec.

2 3

������������ born 01.07.2008 - 30.06.2009

������������ born 01.07.2009 - 30.06.2010

�������� born 01.07.2007 – 30.06.2009

������������������������������������������ ���������Free Ska�ng. Dura�on: 2.00 min. +/- 10 sec.

a) Maximum of 4 jump elements for Girls and Boys, one of

which must be an Axel type jump. There may be up to two

(2) jump combina�ons or sequence. Jump combina�on can

contain only two (2) jumps. A jump sequence can contain any

number of jumps, but only �e two most di� cult jumps will be

counted. Triple jumps are not permi�ed. Any single or double

jump (including Double Axel) cannot be executed more �en

twice in total.

b) There must be a maximum of two (2) spins of a diff erent

nature (abbrevia�on), one of which must be a spin

��������������������������������������������� ����� ��������� a) Maximum of 4 jump elements one of which must be an

Axel type jump. There may be up to two (2) jump combina�ons

Page 7: Pattinaggio 31° COPPA EUROPA - UISP · 31° COPPA EUROPA TROFEO UISP INFO: - - 30° European Criterium - BY TRAIN: The railway station of Rovereto, on the Brennero line, is 18 km

Judges panels and scores - �ree judges as following:

- judge only ais�c value: jumps, spins, ska�ng;

- judge global value: global program;

-judge only choreography-dance value: interpreta�on,

posture, originality of program.

The score is only one each judge and �e mark is minimum

0.0 and maximum 6.0.

Final result: majority posi�on; in case of equal posi�on, �e

best result in �e interpreta�ve value wins.

�������Each group must consist of at least 8 a�letes for each team.

Each a�lete may paecipate to and compete for only one



There is no age limit and skaters of bo� sexes are allowed.

The Performance �me for each group is between 2’30” and


�������������������� �It is allowed to take onto �e ice rink or close to it objects

made of paper, cardboard, fabric, rope, w�d, matal, etc.

which are strictly necessary to �e performance. They have

to be brought inside by �e skaters �emselves and �e

dimensions may not exceed 20 sq. meters. Such objects

shall be che�ed by �e members of �e Complaint

Co�ission before �e beginning of �e performance. It is

absolutely prohibited to make use of chemical

smoke-producers or of any o�er dangerous material. There

will be a penalty for �e team which should not respect �e

above men�oned regula�on. The Judges Panel shall not,

when vo�ng for ais�c merite, consider such objects, as

�ey are pa of �e choreographic setup for which no merite

is provided. If a group should have to stop �e performance

due to foe majeure, it will be allowed to repeat �e whole

performance, whichever span of �me shall have elapsed at

�e �me of suspension. The teams have to provide two

copies of �e performance soundtra�.

����� ������For �is spoing event a panel of 3 judges will be appointed

and �ey will have to vote comprehensively and not

anali�cally. Judgments shall have to be based on �e

evalua�on of �e group as a whole, disregarding any

individual di� culty. The standing shall be drawn by �e

ranking system.

���� �Each judge shall have two boards for vo�ng: �e first one

wi� digits from 0 to 6 for integers and �e second one wi�

digits from 0 to 9 for decimals. The score shall be one.

������� �Who exceeds or stays under �e minimum performance �me by

15 seconds shall be penalized by 1 point for each one of �e

judges. Who makes use of chemical smoke-producers or of

harmful materials (except dry ice), shall be penalized by 2 points

for each one of �e judges. Who makes use of objects

exceeding �e size permi�ed by �e regula�on will be penalized

by 1 point and a half for each one of �e judges. If �e object

shall have been taken onto �e ice rink by someone diff erent

from �e performing skaters, �e group shall be penalized by 1

point for each one of �e judges. The non-men�on of a coali�on

wi� ano�er team will cause disqualifica�on.

��������Invied �e entries wi� �e poal

Before entry procedure club-associa�on need to apply for new

account on

Entry fee is 40 euro for skater for �e categorie:

Chi�s,Cubs,Novice,Intermediate novice, Interpreta�ve. 50

euro for �e categorie: Advanced novices, Junior,Senior.

The entry fee must be paid for each compe�tor at �e

registra�on before �e compe��on.

Paecipan�ng teams must announce changes in �eir teams

i�ediately after �eir arrival in Ice Stadium Folgaria.

Deadline entries 7 march 2019.

����������Cancella�on of �e compe�tor entry, if any, has to be done

March 18� 2019 wi� email to [email protected].

For any la�er cancella�on �e team leader or any

rappresenta�ve club will be asked to pay �e entry fee.

������Organizers of �e European Criterium website are co�i�ed to

�e proper protec�on of personal data in accordance wi� �e

European Union GDPR Regula�on. Therefore, in �e context of

Privacy Policy, is require appropriate consent in �e

applica�ons.Wi�out �is, �e entries for European Criterium

compe��ons not possible in �e future.

Technical Program

The factors for �e Program Components is

a) Sho Program - for boys 0.9- for girls 0.8

The ���������������������� ������shall consist of

�e following elements:

a) Axel Paulsen or double Axel Paulsen

b) Double or triple jump, may not repeat jump a)

c) One jump combina�on consis�ng of two double jumps or

one double and one triple jump, bo� jumps may not repeat

jump a) or b)

d) Camel, sit or upright spin (minimum of five (5)

revolu�ons on each fo ot) wi� change of f�t and no flying


e) Spin combina�on wi� only one change of fo ot

(minimum of five (5) revolu�ons on each fo ot). Flying entry

is allowed

f) One step sequence fully u�lizing �e ice surface.

The ����������������������� ����� shall consist of

�e following elements:

a) Axel Paulsen or double Axel Paulsen

b) Double or triple jump, may not repeat jump a)

c) One jump combina�on consis�ng of two double jumps

or one double and one triple jump, bo� jumps may not

repeat jump a) or b)

d) Layba�/sideways leaning spin or spin in one basic

posi�on wi� no change of fo ot (minimum six (6)


e) Spin combina�on wi� only one change of fo ot (minimum

of five (5) revolu�ons on each fo ot). Flying entry is allowed

f) One step sequence fully u�lizing �e ice surface.

�� ����­������������ ������������������ �������������������������������d) Maximum of 6 jump elements one of which must be an Axel type

jump. There may be up to two (2) jump combina�ons or sequences.

A jump combina�on can contain only two (2) jump. A jump

sequence consists of two (2) jumps of any number of revolu�ons,

beginning wi� a any jump, i�ediataly followed by an Axel type

jump wi� a direct step from �e landing curve of �e first jump to

�e take-off curve of �e Axel jump. Only two (2) triple jumps can

be repeated ei�er in a jump combina�on or a jump sequence. No

quadruple jumps are allowed. Any single, double (including Double

Axel) or triple jump cannot be executed more �an twice in total.

e) There must be a maximum of two (2) spins of a different nature

(abbreviaton), one of which must be a spin combina�on wi�

change of f�t (minimum eight (8) revolun�ons) flying entrance is

not allowed and one must be a flying spin (minimum six (6)

revolu�ons) or a spin in one posi�on wi� change of f�t and a

flying entrance (minimum eight (8) revolu�ons).

f) There must be a maximum of one (1) step sequence fully u�lizing

�e ice surface.

�������������������For Advanced Novice Singles, in all elements �at are subject to

Levels, only features up to Level 3 will be counted. Any addi�onal

features will not count for Level requirements and will be ignored

by �e Technical Panel.

The Program Components are only judged in

- Ska�ng Skills - Performance

- Transi�ons - Interpreta�on


������ ����� Interna�onal regula�on n. 2172


sho program max 2.20 min. +/- 10 sec

free program 3.00 min. +/- 10 sec.


sho program max 2.20 min. +/- 10 sec

free program 3.30 min. +/- 10 sec.

������������� Interna�onal regula�ons

sho program max 2.40 min. +/- 10 sec

free ska�ng min. 3.30 women-men +/- 10 sec

b) Free Ska�ng - for boys 1.8- for girls 1.6


born 01.07.2003 - 30.06.2005

Girls and Boys Free Ska�ng 3.00 min. +/- 10 sec.


Jumps not according to Sho Program requirements (wrong

number of revolu�ons) will receive no value.

If �e same jump is executed as a solo jump and as a pa of �e jump

combina�on, �e repeated jump will not be counted (if �is repe��on

is in a jump combina�on, only �e individual jump which is not

according to �e above requirements will not be counted).

News, Informa�on and final results:

A present as souvenir for every a�lete

�������������The club interested at �e extra prac�ce in Folgaria ice rink in �e day 17/18/19 March and for �e 20 March only h. 09.00-12.00, please contact directly �e direc�on for all informa�on at �e e mail: [email protected]

Page 8: Pattinaggio 31° COPPA EUROPA - UISP · 31° COPPA EUROPA TROFEO UISP INFO: - - 30° European Criterium - BY TRAIN: The railway station of Rovereto, on the Brennero line, is 18 km


DUSCHL Alexandra (Germania)BURIA Katarina (Slovenia)MAZZON Stefania (Italia)STICKELBERGER Victoria (Austria)BRACUN Anita (Croazia)LIBRIC Mirna (Croazia)PACE Tabatha (Germania)KRILOVA Maria (Russia)ZAN FABRO Marisol (Italia)ZANGL Natasa (Austria)SOKOLOVA Valeria (Russia)POLACKOVA Kristina (Slovacchia)SMIRNOVA Elena (Slovenia)SMIRNOVA Elena (Slovenia)KIZALAITE Deimante (Lituania)KOTOVA Daria (Russia)

DESKAJ Vanessa (Austria)YNTEMA Anna (Austria)STRAMBERSKA Alzbeta (Rep.Ceca)STRAMBERSKA Alzbeta (Rep.Ceca)SUSTKOVA Alexandra (Rep.Ceca)LISOVSKAYA Daria (Russia)AS TAFYEVA Alexandra (Russia)SHCHERBAKOVA Anna (Russia)GAL Zoe (Ungheria)MARKINA Ksenia (Russia)MANOVA Mariya (Bulgaria)MARKINA Ksenia (Russia)ANELCHENKO Nadezda (Russia)MRAZKOVA Katerina (Rep. Ceca)MONID Anna (Russia)CASCIANI Gioia (UISP Italia)



Pulcini - Chicks GirlLUMBAR Andrey (Slovenia)RAJEC Taras (Slovacchia)LIEBHARDT Marcell (Austria)CORDS Sven Erik (Germania)SIWKOWSKY Edwin (Polonia)BERNECK Cristopher (Germania)KHIL Artour (Russia)SAFAR Karel (Rep. Ceca)SAVOLDI Giorgio (Italia)SETTEMBRINI Giorgio (Italia)PA ULI Bernhard (Austria)ZANDRON Marco (Italia)HLADONIK Alex (Slovacchia)KUROCHKIN Artem (Russia)NIEROP Jacopo (Italia)INDELICATO Emanuele (Italia)KOVALEV Artem (Russia)SCARINZI Angelo (UISP Italia)NALBONE Matteo (Italia)CETIZ Efe (Turchia)SHKURDEY Alexander (Russia)DOSSENA Nikita (UIS P Italia)


SARATOVTSEV Tikhon (Russia)2017KURTSEV Yekor (Russia)2018

GRIGORYAN Karolina (Russia)KOLBASENKO Sofia (Russia)


KOLBASENKO Sofia (Russia)2018LUTAY Silvia (Bulgaria)2018

Pulcini - Chicks Boy

RICOL Marion (Germania)BOKAL Tanja (Slovenia)C AVALLO Valentina (UISP Italia)ROBIC Manja (Slovenia)BRAUNEISS Elisabeth (Austria)MISIEWICZ Marta (Polonia)KLEMMER Costance (Germania)WILLIKONSKY Patricia (Germania)MANGI Astrid (Austria)VIGH Eva (Ungheria)BLEY Rima (Israele)JANECHOVA Zaneta (Rep. Ceca)ANGELIS Pia Sophie (Austria)TETE R YOUKOVA Ekaterina (Russia)PALLOVA Eva (Slovacchia)RODE Natasa (Slovenia)VIIRA Nita (Finlandia)JEZKOVA Patricie (Rep. Ceca)SYKOROVA Karolina (Slovacchia)ZANGL Natascha (Austria)TRAN Lisa (Germania)PETERKA Monika (Slovenia)BIGUNA Anna (Lettonia)

PETERKA Monika (Slovenia)TSYMBAREVICH Daria (Russia)MATCHUK Anne (Estonia)GOLUBEVA Daria (Russia)YNTEMA Kristina (Austria)YNTEMA Kristina (Austria)WEIDEMANN Kira (Ungheria)WEIDEMANN Kira (Ungheria)YNTEMA Anna (Austria)MAZZA Gaia (UISP Italia)EVSEEVA Valeriya (Russia)SHCHERBAKOVA Inna (Russia)ILINA Alena (Russia)TORNAGHI Alessia (Italia)MITTERMAIR Denise (Austria)MARTINI Camilla (Italia)



Orsetti - Cubs GirlMEZA Sebastijan (Slovenia)DOMANSKY Przemyslaw (Polonia)RAJEC Taras (Slovacchia)RAJEC Taras (Slovacchia)LIEBHARDT Marcell (Austria)BREZINA Michal (Rep. Ceca)SMOLIK Tomas (Slovacchia)BERNECK Cristopher (Germania)BIELECKI Jan (Polonia)HROVAT Matic (Slovenia)EICHHORN Billy (Germania)PATZAK Alexander (Germania)PATZAK Alexander (Germania)EGNER Alexander (Austria)BANNISTER Adrien (Italia)GRUSSMAN Robin (Rep.Ceca)BELOHRADSKY Matyas (Rep.Ceca)DIMITROV Vassil (Bulgaria)MEMOL A Nicolaj (Italia)MEMOLA Nicolaj (Italia)NALBONE Matteo (Uisp Italia)CETIZ Efe (Turchia)


VACLAVIK Lukas (Slovacchia)2017SARATOVTSEV Tikhan (Russia)2018

Orsetti - Cubs Boy

BOCHKAREVA Violetta (Russia)SERENO Medea (UISP Italia)MANOVA Maria (Bulgaria)MANOVA Maria (Bulgaria)VILHJALMSDOTTIR Isold - Fonn (Islanda)


VILHJALMSDOTTIR Isold - Fonn (Islanda)PAPP Vivien (Ungheria)


PAPP Vivien (Ungheria) 2018SADOVSKAYA Sofya (Russia) 2018

RESCH Maria (Germania)SCHONAUER Nicole (Germania)MANDL Jubilee Jenna (Austria)TI LTMANN Cristina (Germania)DI COSTANZO Claudia (Italia)FABBRI Valentina (Italia)LEGOUILLOUX Jennifer (Austria)PASNIK Sabine (Polonia)LEGOUILLOUX Jennifer (Austria)GEISSLER Kristina (Germania)GEISSLER Kristina (Germania)BRZOSKO Zuzana (Polonia)MANGI Astrid (Austria)BARTOVA Radka (Slovacchia)WACHERL Elisabeth (Germania)KUNISCH Katia (Austria)KLEINSCHUSTER Vera (Austria)KLEINSCHUSTER Vera (Austria)KAISER Jeanny Ann (Germania)HALASOVA Lujza (Slovacchia)HUBLER Victoria (Austria)SYKOROVA Karolina (Slovacchia)SIMANCIKOVA Monika (Slovacchia)SIMANCIKOVA Monika (Slovacchia)KO VACS Viktoria (Austria)ROOTS Kristel (Estonia)

PETERKA Monika (Germania)PETERKA Monika (Germania)SMIRNOVA Elena (Italia)MELLEDON Iana (Germania)YNTEMA Kristina (Austria)RADIONOVA Elena (Russia)PROKLOVA Alexandra (Russia)CONTI Sara (Italia)YOTOVA Elena (Bulgaria)LECCARDI Elisabetta (Italia)DESKAJ Vanesa (Austria)INDELICATO Valentina (Italia)GRIGORIEVA Varvara (Cipro)



Primavera - Spring Girl/ Novice A I-II-IIIBR AVIN Marco (UISP Italia)KUMIAK Lukas (Slovacchia)DOMANSKY Przemyslaw (Polonia)DOMANSKY Przemyslaw (Polonia)KOLL Manuel (Austria)RAJEC Taras (Slovacchia)BREZINA Michal (Rep. Ceca)STROBL Jakub (Slovacchia)STROBL Jakub (Slovacchia)CESKA Michal (Rep. Ceca)ZAKOURIL Marco (Rep. Ceca)HROVAT Matic (Slovenia)EICHHORN Billy (Germania)PISANNOI Martin (Estonia)EGNER Alexander (Austria)EGNER Alexander (Austria)BANNISTER Adrien (UISP Italia)PELLEGRINI Filippo (UISP Italia)HRNEK Bohus (Slovacchia)DIMITROV Vassil (Bulgaria)DIMITROV Vassil (Bulgaria)NALBONE Matteo (UISP Italia)


CAMPANINI Tommaso (Italia)2017

Primavera - Spring Boy/ Basic A

MATEVA Yoanna (Bulgaria)DIMITROVA Presiyana (Bulgaria)HUBER Corinna (Austria)KOSIC Hana (Croazia)CVIJANOVIC Hana (Croazia)LANG Julia (Ungheria)MUSKOVA Magdalena (Slovacchia)


Nobile Vittoria (Italia)ILIE Luzia Elena (Romania)MANFREDI Aurora (Italia)

2017201720172018 GARDINI Camilla (Italia)2018 MANFREDI Aurora (Italia)2018 JURISIC Paola (Austria)

2018 DRACHUK Nikita (Russia)

Gruppi - Groups

GUARNIERI Laura - BELÈ Jari (Italia)HUDACEKOVA L. - MILKOVIKO. (Slovacchia)ANGELI Elisa - GAZZOLA Cristian (Italia)WEBSTER Ilaria - FINAZZI Federico (Italia)NEMETHI Petra - GAL Daniel (Ungheria)PLATONOVA Anastassia - PONOMAREV Dimitry (Russia)SILNA Barbara - SUBRT Martin (Rep. Ceca)KOPSOVA Simona - MISTELBAUER Gabriel (Austria)ZIMBLER Alexandra - HUGHES Nicholas (Gran Bretagna)ARM Emili - BOGDANOV Rodian (Estonia)NINELAID Ainiki - KAP P Geido (Estonia)KIRALY Lilli - NAGY Szabolcs (Ungheria)PIPEK Beatris - KALMAN Jozsef (Ungheria)NASONI Martina - ARNABOLDI Luca (Italia)



KUHLFLYCK Tarja - SEIDER Ralf (Germania)BARANY Kornelia - ROSNICK Andrai (Ungheria)MOSENKOVA Anna - KURAKIN Dimitri (Estonia)HACKL Andrea - SARI Tamas (Ungheria)BELOVA Anastassia - ISAEV Ilia (Russia)BELOVA Anastassia - ISAEV Ilia (Russia)






segue-continue: Albo d'oro - Golden book

GRIGORYAN Karolina (Russia)

Page 9: Pattinaggio 31° COPPA EUROPA - UISP · 31° COPPA EUROPA TROFEO UISP INFO: - - 30° European Criterium - BY TRAIN: The railway station of Rovereto, on the Brennero line, is 18 km

POM PANIN Elisa (UISP Italia)SCHUBERT Katja (Germania)BR ATEC Anja (Slovenia)MANDL Jubilee Jenna (Austria)MANDL Jubilee Jenna (Austria)HORMANN Saskia (Germania)KRAUSOVA Lucie (Rep. Ceca)O TOVIC Anja (Slovenia)OCELKOVA Simona (Slovacchia)KOEGL Denise (Austria)SKOTALOVA Paula (Rep. Ceca)ALBE R TI Jessica (Italia)KOTRADYOVA Martina (Slovacchia)TMSOKALIUK Viktorya (Ucraina)ELLENSOHN Stephanie (Austria)EGELHOFER Melanie (Svizzera)USPENSKA Nastja (Slovenia)LAURENCIK Alessandra (Austria)KLEINSCHUSTER Vera (Austria)MAR TINI Stina (Austria)VARJOKARI Riina (Finlandia)

ZIEGLER Miriam (Austria)GLESCIC Patricija (Slovenia)BELOVA Jana (Lettonia)BACHINGER Vanessa (Austria)NEUWIRTH Sarah (Austria)SINORA Krilsa (Estonia)CERNUSCHI Alessandra (Italia)BARBERINI Valentina (UISP Italia)HELLEKEN Tina (Germania)KLOT Julia (Germania)ROTH Lara (Austria)CENSORI Chiara (Italia)ZAMPIERI Giorgia (Italia)WEINDLINGOVA Romana (Slovacchia)GATELLI Elisa (Italia)



Debuttanti - Debs Girl / Basic B I-II / Intermediate NoviceOLZCHER Alexander (Germania)BR AVIN Marco (UISP Italia)OCHOCKI Patrich (Polonia)D'INCÀ Daniel (UISP Italia)DOMANSKY Przemyslaw (Polonia)VERNER Tomas (Rep. Ceca)CADEZ Luka (Slovenia)KASKA Pavel (Rep. Ceca)BREZINA Michal (Rep. Ceca)DE MATTÈ Luca (Italia)STROBL Jakub (Slovacchia)LANDGRAF Matti (Germania)HROVAT Matic (Slovenia)MUCK Albert (Austria)KOPPEL Samuel (Estonia)BELLOMO Francesco (Italia)SAMARIN Alexander (Russia)BANNISTER Adrien (UISP Italia)BANNISTER Adrien (Italia)SZOBOSZLAI Tamas (Ungheria)CAPITANIO Marco (Italia UISP)

LOGAR Lukas (Slovenia)-

1995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016 2017

GALJIAR Andrej (Slovenia)2018

Debuttanti - Debs Boy/ Basic B / Intermediate Novice

BODRONE Sara (UISP Italia)BOT TARO Martina (UISP Italia)PANKRATZ Mia (Austria)URECHE Andrea (Romania)


URECHE Andrea (Romania)ROBLIN Serena (Italia)


BURAKOVA Zuzana (Slovacchia)JURICKOVA Jana (Rep. Ceca)BUCHTOVA Katerina (Rep. Ceca)ZIELEWICZ Julia (Polonia)BR ATEC Anja (Slovenia)REMES Sanna (Finlandia)OCELHOVA Barbara (Rep. Ceca)GHIRINGHELLI Cinzia (UIS P Italia)BURIANOVA Michaela (Slovacchia)BURIANOVA Michaela (Slovacchia)OCELKOVA Simona (Slovacchia)NE VATTE Brydie (Gran Bretagna)ROBOL Yasmine (Austria)SENDEREK Ilona (Polonia)MANGI Astrid (Austria)GRILL Christina (Austria)STICKELBERGER Victoria (Austria)STICKELBERGER Victoria (Austria)

ANGELIS Pia Sophie (Austria)ANGELIS Pia Sophie (Austria)LAURENCIK Alessandra (Austria)HALLER Jasmine (UISP Italia)AFONKINA Anna (Russia)LEVI Flavia (UISP Italia)UMEK Pina (Slovenia)MAR TINELLI Silvia (Italia)JURIC Petra (Croazia)WOLFSLAST Nina Larissa (Austria)SCOCCIMARRO Martina (Italia)STROPPA Ilaria (Italia)FEIGIN Alexandra (Bulgaria)TO RNAGHI Alessia (UISP Italia)PESENDORFER Stefanie (Austria)



TORNAGHI Alessia (Italia)2017

Novizi - Novices Girl/ Advanced NovicesGANSER Michael (Germania)MAUCH Frank (Germania)BRAVIN Marco (UISP Italia)KUS Maciej (Polonia)D'INCÀ Daniel (Italia)KOTOV Sergei (Israele)JANECKO Tomas (Rep. Ceca)JANECKO Tomas (Rep. Ceca)KASKA Pavel (Rep. Ceca)STEINDL Tobias (Austria)ERRAMPALLI Ruben (UIS P Italia)RAKIMGALIEV Abzal (Kazakistan)CESKA Michal (Rep. Ceca)PANFILI Antonio (UISP Italia)REVINE Nikita (UISP Italia)IONIAN Simon Gabriel (Austria)DALLA TORRE Mattia (UIS P Italia)LANA Alberto (Italia)MANACORDA Filippo (italia)VITRYANYUK Nikita (Cipro)CLERICI Filippo (UISP Italia)HRNEK Bohus (Slovacchia)


ROSSI Patrizio Romano (Italia)2017

Novizi - Novices Boy/ Advanced Novices

FITZE Eva Maria (Germania)BURAKOVA Zuzanna (Slovacchia)CHALUBINSKA Rita (Polonia)CVETKOVIC Zana (Germania)ANGERER Elisabeth (Austria)ME R VI TOVA Erika (Rep. Ceca)HEGE L Idora (Croazia)LUKACIKOVA Petra (Rep. Ceca)LUKACIKOVA Petra (Rep. Ceca)KREUZER Andrea (Austria)FERNANDEZ Laura (Spagna)SCHONBERGER Belinda (Austria)KRIS TOFIC Binder Delphine (Austria)GRM Dasa (Slovenia)GLESCIC Patricija (Slovenia)GRM Dasa (Slovenia)UMEK Pina (Slovenia)GLESCIC Patricia (Slovenia)KLOTZ Natalie (Germania)CHTCHETININA Ioulia (Svizzera)DUBININA Antonina (Serbia)DUBININA Antonina (Serbia)


FEIGIN Alexandra (Bulgaria)2017FEIGIN Alexandra (Bulgaria)2018

Junior GirlPETR Jaros (Rep. Ceca)WENZ Andre Niklas (Germania)SVI ATKO Juraj (Slovacchia)URBAS Gregor (Slovenia)URBAS Gregor (Slovenia)KONDAKOV Alexander (Russia)IATSENKO Nikolai (Russia)PAULS Frederik (Germania)RAUCHBAUER Christian (Austria)KASKA Pavel (Rep. Ceca)TRUVE Anton (Svezia)IONIAN Mario Rafael (Austria)MORRONE Andrea (Italia)BELLOMO Cesare (Italia)TREMEA Davide (Italia)KUPKA Tomas (Rep. Ceca)CSERNOCH Andras (Ungheria)-


ZL ATKOV Alexander (Bulgaria)20172016

Junior Man

2018 DACHEVA Claudia (Bulgaria)2018 MARTINI Camilla (Italia)

2018 ILINOVA Maria (Bulgaria)

2018 LOGAR Luka (Slovenia)

CLERICI Filippo (Italia)2018

ZUNKO Alex (Slovenia)BOTTEGHI Diego (Italia)MAUCH Frank (Germania)KAZAKOV Aliaksandr (Bielorussia)RAPIS Cristian (Italia)DVORAK Miroslav (Rep. Ceca)

LE WANDOWSKY Lidia - VATURI Andrea (Italia)PULEJ A. - SZIATEK M. (Polonia)LISSI Silvia - CASPANI Alessandro (Italia)GRUNBERG Grete - BRAND Kristian (Estonia)BARTHA Krista - MAJOR Balas (Ungheria)LIEPINA Anna - LIEPINSH Pavel (Lettonia)SHYNKEVICH Veranika - ABRAMAU Vladzislau (Bielorussia)STE PANOVA Valeria - GRUZDEV Artur (Estonia)SEMENJUK Viktoria - SOKOLOV Andrei (Estonia)ROSSIGNOLI Maddalena - ROSSIGNOLI Samuele (Italia)PIACENTINI Giulia - FELLONI Luca (Italia)


Primavera - Spring

PAUROVA Suzana (Slovacchia)RINDISBACHER Rebecca (Svizzera)SL AVINSKAITE Lauryna (Lituania)FUCHS Susanne (Austria)GOLOVALENKO Jekaterina (Estonia)JENSEN Maria Ferger (Danimarca)RIZHOVA Natalia (Russia)WALLNER Jasmine (Austria)ROTA NODARI Simona (Italia)LEPSIKOVA Simona (Rep. Ceca)ZIDAR Alenka (Slovenia)BOHLER Cecilia (Svezia)BERNARD Martina (Italia)


Senior LadyBERNARD Martina (Italia)BERNARD Martina (Italia)PANFILI Roberta (Italia)KAFOL Victoria (Austria)GRILL Christina (Austria)KAFOL Victoria (Austria)CASSETTA Mariangela (UIS P Italia)CASSETTA Mariangela (UIS P Italia)NOGARO Ilaria (UISP Italia)


NOGARO Ilaria (UISP Italia)2017

KAZIMIR Robert (Slovacchia)NEKOL A Karel (Rep. Ceca)HLUCKY Ladisav (Slovacchia)BORITCHEV Nayden (Bulgaria)MARTONENKO Roman (Estonia)GRUBER Alex (Israele)


Senior Man

ANSELMI Valentina - FINAZZI Federico (UISP Italia) MAINOLI Monica - ZECCHINON Daniele (UISP Italia)WEBSTER Ilaria - FINAZZI Federico (Italia)KREUZER Claudia - BAUMGARTNER Michael (Austria)MUNKACSI Brigitta - NAGY Jozsef (Ungheria)OROS Hajnalka - ZOMOGYI Zoltan (Ungheria)GISSMANN Sandra - BARTH Maximilian (Germania)ZHURINA Katerina - CHODANOVITCH Sergei (Russia)MOLNAR Doris - FEJES Mate (Ungheria)ANTAL Imolan - MAJER Daniel (Ungheria)VOLENTER Reka - SZOLDOS Marton (Ungheria)PAULI Sonja - DEGL Michael (Austria)PAULI Sonja - EISENBAUER Tobias (Austria)SKOPTOSOVA Anastasiya - NAZAROV Nikita (Russia)PORETTI Michelle - MORINI Luca (Italia)BERGAMIN Beatrice - MORINI Luca (Italia)


Allievi - Novices

Danza - Dance

LAURENZI Federica - DE PRÀ Ruben (Italia)MORO Dafne - DE PRÀ Ruben (Italia)SULEJ Joanna - LEWANDOWSKY Maciej (Polonia)


Coppie Junior Pairs

segue-continue: Albo d'oro - Golden book


SASSI Altea (Italia)2018

segue-continue: Albo d'oro - Golden book

Page 10: Pattinaggio 31° COPPA EUROPA - UISP · 31° COPPA EUROPA TROFEO UISP INFO: - - 30° European Criterium - BY TRAIN: The railway station of Rovereto, on the Brennero line, is 18 km

POM PANIN Elisa (UISP Italia)SCHUBERT Katja (Germania)BR ATEC Anja (Slovenia)MANDL Jubilee Jenna (Austria)MANDL Jubilee Jenna (Austria)HORMANN Saskia (Germania)KRAUSOVA Lucie (Rep. Ceca)O TOVIC Anja (Slovenia)OCELKOVA Simona (Slovacchia)KOEGL Denise (Austria)SKOTALOVA Paula (Rep. Ceca)ALBE R TI Jessica (Italia)KOTRADYOVA Martina (Slovacchia)TMSOKALIUK Viktorya (Ucraina)ELLENSOHN Stephanie (Austria)EGELHOFER Melanie (Svizzera)USPENSKA Nastja (Slovenia)LAURENCIK Alessandra (Austria)KLEINSCHUSTER Vera (Austria)MAR TINI Stina (Austria)VARJOKARI Riina (Finlandia)

ZIEGLER Miriam (Austria)GLESCIC Patricija (Slovenia)BELOVA Jana (Lettonia)BACHINGER Vanessa (Austria)NEUWIRTH Sarah (Austria)SINORA Krilsa (Estonia)CERNUSCHI Alessandra (Italia)BARBERINI Valentina (UISP Italia)HELLEKEN Tina (Germania)KLOT Julia (Germania)ROTH Lara (Austria)CENSORI Chiara (Italia)ZAMPIERI Giorgia (Italia)WEINDLINGOVA Romana (Slovacchia)GATELLI Elisa (Italia)



Debuttanti - Debs Girl / Basic B I-II / Intermediate NoviceOLZCHER Alexander (Germania)BR AVIN Marco (UISP Italia)OCHOCKI Patrich (Polonia)D'INCÀ Daniel (UISP Italia)DOMANSKY Przemyslaw (Polonia)VERNER Tomas (Rep. Ceca)CADEZ Luka (Slovenia)KASKA Pavel (Rep. Ceca)BREZINA Michal (Rep. Ceca)DE MATTÈ Luca (Italia)STROBL Jakub (Slovacchia)LANDGRAF Matti (Germania)HROVAT Matic (Slovenia)MUCK Albert (Austria)KOPPEL Samuel (Estonia)BELLOMO Francesco (Italia)SAMARIN Alexander (Russia)BANNISTER Adrien (UISP Italia)BANNISTER Adrien (Italia)SZOBOSZLAI Tamas (Ungheria)CAPITANIO Marco (Italia UISP)

LOGAR Lukas (Slovenia)-

1995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016 2017

GALJIAR Andrej (Slovenia)2018

Debuttanti - Debs Boy/ Basic B / Intermediate Novice

BODRONE Sara (UISP Italia)BOT TARO Martina (UISP Italia)PANKRATZ Mia (Austria)URECHE Andrea (Romania)


URECHE Andrea (Romania)ROBLIN Serena (Italia)


BURAKOVA Zuzana (Slovacchia)JURICKOVA Jana (Rep. Ceca)BUCHTOVA Katerina (Rep. Ceca)ZIELEWICZ Julia (Polonia)BR ATEC Anja (Slovenia)REMES Sanna (Finlandia)OCELHOVA Barbara (Rep. Ceca)GHIRINGHELLI Cinzia (UIS P Italia)BURIANOVA Michaela (Slovacchia)BURIANOVA Michaela (Slovacchia)OCELKOVA Simona (Slovacchia)NE VATTE Brydie (Gran Bretagna)ROBOL Yasmine (Austria)SENDEREK Ilona (Polonia)MANGI Astrid (Austria)GRILL Christina (Austria)STICKELBERGER Victoria (Austria)STICKELBERGER Victoria (Austria)

ANGELIS Pia Sophie (Austria)ANGELIS Pia Sophie (Austria)LAURENCIK Alessandra (Austria)HALLER Jasmine (UISP Italia)AFONKINA Anna (Russia)LEVI Flavia (UISP Italia)UMEK Pina (Slovenia)MAR TINELLI Silvia (Italia)JURIC Petra (Croazia)WOLFSLAST Nina Larissa (Austria)SCOCCIMARRO Martina (Italia)STROPPA Ilaria (Italia)FEIGIN Alexandra (Bulgaria)TO RNAGHI Alessia (UISP Italia)PESENDORFER Stefanie (Austria)



TORNAGHI Alessia (Italia)2017

Novizi - Novices Girl/ Advanced NovicesGANSER Michael (Germania)MAUCH Frank (Germania)BRAVIN Marco (UISP Italia)KUS Maciej (Polonia)D'INCÀ Daniel (Italia)KOTOV Sergei (Israele)JANECKO Tomas (Rep. Ceca)JANECKO Tomas (Rep. Ceca)KASKA Pavel (Rep. Ceca)STEINDL Tobias (Austria)ERRAMPALLI Ruben (UIS P Italia)RAKIMGALIEV Abzal (Kazakistan)CESKA Michal (Rep. Ceca)PANFILI Antonio (UISP Italia)REVINE Nikita (UISP Italia)IONIAN Simon Gabriel (Austria)DALLA TORRE Mattia (UIS P Italia)LANA Alberto (Italia)MANACORDA Filippo (italia)VITRYANYUK Nikita (Cipro)CLERICI Filippo (UISP Italia)HRNEK Bohus (Slovacchia)


ROSSI Patrizio Romano (Italia)2017

Novizi - Novices Boy/ Advanced Novices

FITZE Eva Maria (Germania)BURAKOVA Zuzanna (Slovacchia)CHALUBINSKA Rita (Polonia)CVETKOVIC Zana (Germania)ANGERER Elisabeth (Austria)ME R VI TOVA Erika (Rep. Ceca)HEGE L Idora (Croazia)LUKACIKOVA Petra (Rep. Ceca)LUKACIKOVA Petra (Rep. Ceca)KREUZER Andrea (Austria)FERNANDEZ Laura (Spagna)SCHONBERGER Belinda (Austria)KRIS TOFIC Binder Delphine (Austria)GRM Dasa (Slovenia)GLESCIC Patricija (Slovenia)GRM Dasa (Slovenia)UMEK Pina (Slovenia)GLESCIC Patricia (Slovenia)KLOTZ Natalie (Germania)CHTCHETININA Ioulia (Svizzera)DUBININA Antonina (Serbia)DUBININA Antonina (Serbia)


FEIGIN Alexandra (Bulgaria)2017FEIGIN Alexandra (Bulgaria)2018

Junior GirlPETR Jaros (Rep. Ceca)WENZ Andre Niklas (Germania)SVI ATKO Juraj (Slovacchia)URBAS Gregor (Slovenia)URBAS Gregor (Slovenia)KONDAKOV Alexander (Russia)IATSENKO Nikolai (Russia)PAULS Frederik (Germania)RAUCHBAUER Christian (Austria)KASKA Pavel (Rep. Ceca)TRUVE Anton (Svezia)IONIAN Mario Rafael (Austria)MORRONE Andrea (Italia)BELLOMO Cesare (Italia)TREMEA Davide (Italia)KUPKA Tomas (Rep. Ceca)CSERNOCH Andras (Ungheria)-


ZL ATKOV Alexander (Bulgaria)20172016

Junior Man

2018 DACHEVA Claudia (Bulgaria)2018 MARTINI Camilla (Italia)

2018 ILINOVA Maria (Bulgaria)

2018 LOGAR Luka (Slovenia)

CLERICI Filippo (Italia)2018

ZUNKO Alex (Slovenia)BOTTEGHI Diego (Italia)MAUCH Frank (Germania)KAZAKOV Aliaksandr (Bielorussia)RAPIS Cristian (Italia)DVORAK Miroslav (Rep. Ceca)

LE WANDOWSKY Lidia - VATURI Andrea (Italia)PULEJ A. - SZIATEK M. (Polonia)LISSI Silvia - CASPANI Alessandro (Italia)GRUNBERG Grete - BRAND Kristian (Estonia)BARTHA Krista - MAJOR Balas (Ungheria)LIEPINA Anna - LIEPINSH Pavel (Lettonia)SHYNKEVICH Veranika - ABRAMAU Vladzislau (Bielorussia)STE PANOVA Valeria - GRUZDEV Artur (Estonia)SEMENJUK Viktoria - SOKOLOV Andrei (Estonia)ROSSIGNOLI Maddalena - ROSSIGNOLI Samuele (Italia)PIACENTINI Giulia - FELLONI Luca (Italia)


Primavera - Spring

PAUROVA Suzana (Slovacchia)RINDISBACHER Rebecca (Svizzera)SL AVINSKAITE Lauryna (Lituania)FUCHS Susanne (Austria)GOLOVALENKO Jekaterina (Estonia)JENSEN Maria Ferger (Danimarca)RIZHOVA Natalia (Russia)WALLNER Jasmine (Austria)ROTA NODARI Simona (Italia)LEPSIKOVA Simona (Rep. Ceca)ZIDAR Alenka (Slovenia)BOHLER Cecilia (Svezia)BERNARD Martina (Italia)


Senior LadyBERNARD Martina (Italia)BERNARD Martina (Italia)PANFILI Roberta (Italia)KAFOL Victoria (Austria)GRILL Christina (Austria)KAFOL Victoria (Austria)CASSETTA Mariangela (UIS P Italia)CASSETTA Mariangela (UIS P Italia)NOGARO Ilaria (UISP Italia)


NOGARO Ilaria (UISP Italia)2017

KAZIMIR Robert (Slovacchia)NEKOL A Karel (Rep. Ceca)HLUCKY Ladisav (Slovacchia)BORITCHEV Nayden (Bulgaria)MARTONENKO Roman (Estonia)GRUBER Alex (Israele)


Senior Man

ANSELMI Valentina - FINAZZI Federico (UISP Italia) MAINOLI Monica - ZECCHINON Daniele (UISP Italia)WEBSTER Ilaria - FINAZZI Federico (Italia)KREUZER Claudia - BAUMGARTNER Michael (Austria)MUNKACSI Brigitta - NAGY Jozsef (Ungheria)OROS Hajnalka - ZOMOGYI Zoltan (Ungheria)GISSMANN Sandra - BARTH Maximilian (Germania)ZHURINA Katerina - CHODANOVITCH Sergei (Russia)MOLNAR Doris - FEJES Mate (Ungheria)ANTAL Imolan - MAJER Daniel (Ungheria)VOLENTER Reka - SZOLDOS Marton (Ungheria)PAULI Sonja - DEGL Michael (Austria)PAULI Sonja - EISENBAUER Tobias (Austria)SKOPTOSOVA Anastasiya - NAZAROV Nikita (Russia)PORETTI Michelle - MORINI Luca (Italia)BERGAMIN Beatrice - MORINI Luca (Italia)


Allievi - Novices

Danza - Dance

LAURENZI Federica - DE PRÀ Ruben (Italia)MORO Dafne - DE PRÀ Ruben (Italia)SULEJ Joanna - LEWANDOWSKY Maciej (Polonia)


Coppie Junior Pairs

segue-continue: Albo d'oro - Golden book


SASSI Altea (Italia)2018

segue-continue: Albo d'oro - Golden book

Page 11: Pattinaggio 31° COPPA EUROPA - UISP · 31° COPPA EUROPA TROFEO UISP INFO: - - 30° European Criterium - BY TRAIN: The railway station of Rovereto, on the Brennero line, is 18 km


DUSCHL Alexandra (Germania)BURIA Katarina (Slovenia)MAZZON Stefania (Italia)STICKELBERGER Victoria (Austria)BRACUN Anita (Croazia)LIBRIC Mirna (Croazia)PACE Tabatha (Germania)KRILOVA Maria (Russia)ZAN FABRO Marisol (Italia)ZANGL Natasa (Austria)SOKOLOVA Valeria (Russia)POLACKOVA Kristina (Slovacchia)SMIRNOVA Elena (Slovenia)SMIRNOVA Elena (Slovenia)KIZALAITE Deimante (Lituania)KOTOVA Daria (Russia)

DESKAJ Vanessa (Austria)YNTEMA Anna (Austria)STRAMBERSKA Alzbeta (Rep.Ceca)STRAMBERSKA Alzbeta (Rep.Ceca)SUSTKOVA Alexandra (Rep.Ceca)LISOVSKAYA Daria (Russia)AS TAFYEVA Alexandra (Russia)SHCHERBAKOVA Anna (Russia)GAL Zoe (Ungheria)MARKINA Ksenia (Russia)MANOVA Mariya (Bulgaria)MARKINA Ksenia (Russia)ANELCHENKO Nadezda (Russia)MRAZKOVA Katerina (Rep. Ceca)MONID Anna (Russia)CASCIANI Gioia (UISP Italia)



Pulcini - Chicks GirlLUMBAR Andrey (Slovenia)RAJEC Taras (Slovacchia)LIEBHARDT Marcell (Austria)CORDS Sven Erik (Germania)SIWKOWSKY Edwin (Polonia)BERNECK Cristopher (Germania)KHIL Artour (Russia)SAFAR Karel (Rep. Ceca)SAVOLDI Giorgio (Italia)SETTEMBRINI Giorgio (Italia)PA ULI Bernhard (Austria)ZANDRON Marco (Italia)HLADONIK Alex (Slovacchia)KUROCHKIN Artem (Russia)NIEROP Jacopo (Italia)INDELICATO Emanuele (Italia)KOVALEV Artem (Russia)SCARINZI Angelo (UISP Italia)NALBONE Matteo (Italia)CETIZ Efe (Turchia)SHKURDEY Alexander (Russia)DOSSENA Nikita (UIS P Italia)


SARATOVTSEV Tikhon (Russia)2017KURTSEV Yekor (Russia)2018

GRIGORYAN Karolina (Russia)KOLBASENKO Sofia (Russia)


KOLBASENKO Sofia (Russia)2018LUTAY Silvia (Bulgaria)2018

Pulcini - Chicks Boy

RICOL Marion (Germania)BOKAL Tanja (Slovenia)C AVALLO Valentina (UISP Italia)ROBIC Manja (Slovenia)BRAUNEISS Elisabeth (Austria)MISIEWICZ Marta (Polonia)KLEMMER Costance (Germania)WILLIKONSKY Patricia (Germania)MANGI Astrid (Austria)VIGH Eva (Ungheria)BLEY Rima (Israele)JANECHOVA Zaneta (Rep. Ceca)ANGELIS Pia Sophie (Austria)TETE R YOUKOVA Ekaterina (Russia)PALLOVA Eva (Slovacchia)RODE Natasa (Slovenia)VIIRA Nita (Finlandia)JEZKOVA Patricie (Rep. Ceca)SYKOROVA Karolina (Slovacchia)ZANGL Natascha (Austria)TRAN Lisa (Germania)PETERKA Monika (Slovenia)BIGUNA Anna (Lettonia)

PETERKA Monika (Slovenia)TSYMBAREVICH Daria (Russia)MATCHUK Anne (Estonia)GOLUBEVA Daria (Russia)YNTEMA Kristina (Austria)YNTEMA Kristina (Austria)WEIDEMANN Kira (Ungheria)WEIDEMANN Kira (Ungheria)YNTEMA Anna (Austria)MAZZA Gaia (UISP Italia)EVSEEVA Valeriya (Russia)SHCHERBAKOVA Inna (Russia)ILINA Alena (Russia)TORNAGHI Alessia (Italia)MITTERMAIR Denise (Austria)MARTINI Camilla (Italia)



Orsetti - Cubs GirlMEZA Sebastijan (Slovenia)DOMANSKY Przemyslaw (Polonia)RAJEC Taras (Slovacchia)RAJEC Taras (Slovacchia)LIEBHARDT Marcell (Austria)BREZINA Michal (Rep. Ceca)SMOLIK Tomas (Slovacchia)BERNECK Cristopher (Germania)BIELECKI Jan (Polonia)HROVAT Matic (Slovenia)EICHHORN Billy (Germania)PATZAK Alexander (Germania)PATZAK Alexander (Germania)EGNER Alexander (Austria)BANNISTER Adrien (Italia)GRUSSMAN Robin (Rep.Ceca)BELOHRADSKY Matyas (Rep.Ceca)DIMITROV Vassil (Bulgaria)MEMOL A Nicolaj (Italia)MEMOLA Nicolaj (Italia)NALBONE Matteo (Uisp Italia)CETIZ Efe (Turchia)


VACLAVIK Lukas (Slovacchia)2017SARATOVTSEV Tikhan (Russia)2018

Orsetti - Cubs Boy

BOCHKAREVA Violetta (Russia)SERENO Medea (UISP Italia)MANOVA Maria (Bulgaria)MANOVA Maria (Bulgaria)VILHJALMSDOTTIR Isold - Fonn (Islanda)


VILHJALMSDOTTIR Isold - Fonn (Islanda)PAPP Vivien (Ungheria)


PAPP Vivien (Ungheria) 2018SADOVSKAYA Sofya (Russia) 2018

RESCH Maria (Germania)SCHONAUER Nicole (Germania)MANDL Jubilee Jenna (Austria)TI LTMANN Cristina (Germania)DI COSTANZO Claudia (Italia)FABBRI Valentina (Italia)LEGOUILLOUX Jennifer (Austria)PASNIK Sabine (Polonia)LEGOUILLOUX Jennifer (Austria)GEISSLER Kristina (Germania)GEISSLER Kristina (Germania)BRZOSKO Zuzana (Polonia)MANGI Astrid (Austria)BARTOVA Radka (Slovacchia)WACHERL Elisabeth (Germania)KUNISCH Katia (Austria)KLEINSCHUSTER Vera (Austria)KLEINSCHUSTER Vera (Austria)KAISER Jeanny Ann (Germania)HALASOVA Lujza (Slovacchia)HUBLER Victoria (Austria)SYKOROVA Karolina (Slovacchia)SIMANCIKOVA Monika (Slovacchia)SIMANCIKOVA Monika (Slovacchia)KO VACS Viktoria (Austria)ROOTS Kristel (Estonia)

PETERKA Monika (Germania)PETERKA Monika (Germania)SMIRNOVA Elena (Italia)MELLEDON Iana (Germania)YNTEMA Kristina (Austria)RADIONOVA Elena (Russia)PROKLOVA Alexandra (Russia)CONTI Sara (Italia)YOTOVA Elena (Bulgaria)LECCARDI Elisabetta (Italia)DESKAJ Vanesa (Austria)INDELICATO Valentina (Italia)GRIGORIEVA Varvara (Cipro)



Primavera - Spring Girl/ Novice A I-II-IIIBR AVIN Marco (UISP Italia)KUMIAK Lukas (Slovacchia)DOMANSKY Przemyslaw (Polonia)DOMANSKY Przemyslaw (Polonia)KOLL Manuel (Austria)RAJEC Taras (Slovacchia)BREZINA Michal (Rep. Ceca)STROBL Jakub (Slovacchia)STROBL Jakub (Slovacchia)CESKA Michal (Rep. Ceca)ZAKOURIL Marco (Rep. Ceca)HROVAT Matic (Slovenia)EICHHORN Billy (Germania)PISANNOI Martin (Estonia)EGNER Alexander (Austria)EGNER Alexander (Austria)BANNISTER Adrien (UISP Italia)PELLEGRINI Filippo (UISP Italia)HRNEK Bohus (Slovacchia)DIMITROV Vassil (Bulgaria)DIMITROV Vassil (Bulgaria)NALBONE Matteo (UISP Italia)


CAMPANINI Tommaso (Italia)2017

Primavera - Spring Boy/ Basic A

MATEVA Yoanna (Bulgaria)DIMITROVA Presiyana (Bulgaria)HUBER Corinna (Austria)KOSIC Hana (Croazia)CVIJANOVIC Hana (Croazia)LANG Julia (Ungheria)MUSKOVA Magdalena (Slovacchia)


Nobile Vittoria (Italia)ILIE Luzia Elena (Romania)MANFREDI Aurora (Italia)

2017201720172018 GARDINI Camilla (Italia)2018 MANFREDI Aurora (Italia)2018 JURISIC Paola (Austria)

2018 DRACHUK Nikita (Russia)

Gruppi - Groups

GUARNIERI Laura - BELÈ Jari (Italia)HUDACEKOVA L. - MILKOVIKO. (Slovacchia)ANGELI Elisa - GAZZOLA Cristian (Italia)WEBSTER Ilaria - FINAZZI Federico (Italia)NEMETHI Petra - GAL Daniel (Ungheria)PLATONOVA Anastassia - PONOMAREV Dimitry (Russia)SILNA Barbara - SUBRT Martin (Rep. Ceca)KOPSOVA Simona - MISTELBAUER Gabriel (Austria)ZIMBLER Alexandra - HUGHES Nicholas (Gran Bretagna)ARM Emili - BOGDANOV Rodian (Estonia)NINELAID Ainiki - KAP P Geido (Estonia)KIRALY Lilli - NAGY Szabolcs (Ungheria)PIPEK Beatris - KALMAN Jozsef (Ungheria)NASONI Martina - ARNABOLDI Luca (Italia)



KUHLFLYCK Tarja - SEIDER Ralf (Germania)BARANY Kornelia - ROSNICK Andrai (Ungheria)MOSENKOVA Anna - KURAKIN Dimitri (Estonia)HACKL Andrea - SARI Tamas (Ungheria)BELOVA Anastassia - ISAEV Ilia (Russia)BELOVA Anastassia - ISAEV Ilia (Russia)






segue-continue: Albo d'oro - Golden book

GRIGORYAN Karolina (Russia)

Page 12: Pattinaggio 31° COPPA EUROPA - UISP · 31° COPPA EUROPA TROFEO UISP INFO: - - 30° European Criterium - BY TRAIN: The railway station of Rovereto, on the Brennero line, is 18 km

1.30 h1.00 h

2.00 h



UFFICIO DI FOLGARIAFOLGARIA OFFICEVia Roma, 67I-38064 Folgaria (Trento)Tel. +39 0464 724100 Fax. +39 0464 720250

UFFICIO DI LAVARONELAVARONE OFFICEFraz. Gionghi, 107I-38046 Lavarone (Trento)Tel. +39 0464 724144Fax. +39 0464 783118

UFFICIO DI LUSÉRNLUSÉRN OFFICEPiazza MarconiI-38040 Lusérn (Trento)Tel. +39 0464 789641Mob. +39 366 4394630

[email protected]




DAL 20 AL 24 MARZO 2019

W W W . A L P E C I M B R A . I T

Gara internazionale diPATTINAGGIO ARTISTICO SU GHIACCIOinterpretativo e gruppi collettivi

International competition ofFIGURE ICE SKATINGinterpretative and groups


I N F O : W W W . E U R O P E A N C R I T E R I U M . E U - W W W . U I S P . I T / T R E N T O

- 30° European Criterium -

BY TRAIN: The railway station of Rovereto, on the Brennero line, is 18 km far from Folgaria and 30 km far from Lavarone.The railway station of Trento, on the Brenner line, is 30 km far from Folgaria and 35 km from Lavarone.

BY PLANE: The nearest airport is Verona Villafranca, 90 km far away. Shuttle bus runs regularly between the airport and Verona train station (10 min.) From there you can get direct train connections with Trento and Rovereto.
