italian i mp1 benchmark 1: cognates. choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the...

Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates

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Post on 02-May-2015




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Page 1: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy

Italian I


Benchmark 1: Cognates

Italian I


Benchmark 1: Cognates

Page 2: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy

Choose 25 cognates in the following article which

describes the country of Italy.

Choose 25 cognates in the following article which

describes the country of Italy.

Page 3: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy


è una penisola montuosa,


è una penisola montuosa,

Page 4: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy

limitata al nord

dalla maestosa

catena delle Alpi,

limitata al nord

dalla maestosa

catena delle Alpi,

Page 5: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy

e attraversata nella sua

lunghezza dalla catena

degli Alpi.

e attraversata nella sua

lunghezza dalla catena

degli Alpi.

Page 6: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy

Tra le Alpi e gli Appennini


si estende la Pianura Padana,

Tra le Alpi e gli Appennini


si estende la Pianura Padana,

Page 7: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy

attraversata dal Po,

il fiume piu

lungo del paese.

attraversata dal Po,

il fiume piu

lungo del paese.

Page 8: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy
Page 9: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy

Questa pianura

è ricca

di fiumi e di laghi.

Questa pianura

è ricca

di fiumi e di laghi.

Page 10: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy
Page 11: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy

I più grandi sono

il lago di Garda,

il lago Maggiore,

e il lago di Como.

I più grandi sono

il lago di Garda,

il lago Maggiore,

e il lago di Como.

Page 12: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy

Nelle regioni settentrionali

il paesaggio e dolcemente ondulato

mentre verso il sud acquista una

bellezza severa e selvaggia.

Nelle regioni settentrionali

il paesaggio e dolcemente ondulato

mentre verso il sud acquista una

bellezza severa e selvaggia.

Page 13: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy

Le costi occidentali

sono in genere alte, rocciose, e


come la Riviera Ligure.

Le costi occidentali

sono in genere alte, rocciose, e


come la Riviera Ligure.

Page 14: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy

Le coste dell’Adriatico

sono più basse, con ampie spiagge

sabbiose che attirano

folle di bagnanti.

Le coste dell’Adriatico

sono più basse, con ampie spiagge

sabbiose che attirano

folle di bagnanti.

Page 15: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy

La Sicilia

è la più grande isola del

Mediterraneo, ed è considerata il

museo archeologico d’Europa.

La Sicilia

è la più grande isola del

Mediterraneo, ed è considerata il

museo archeologico d’Europa.

Page 16: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy

La Sardegna,

seconda isola per

grandezza del Mediterraneo,

montuosa all’interno,

La Sardegna,

seconda isola per

grandezza del Mediterraneo,

montuosa all’interno,

Page 17: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy

attira molti turisti italiani e

stranieri per le sue bellissime coste,

come la Costa Esmeralda.

attira molti turisti italiani e

stranieri per le sue bellissime coste,

come la Costa Esmeralda.

Page 18: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy
Page 19: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy
Page 20: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy
Page 21: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy

Lago Di Garda

Page 22: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy
Page 23: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy

Lago di Como

Page 24: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy

Lago di Como

Page 25: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy
Page 26: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy
Page 27: Italian I MP1 Benchmark 1: Cognates. Choose 25 cognates in the following article which describes the country of Italy