“selling services to increase your competitive advantage ... · competitively complex products...

Present S S e e l l l l i i n n g g S S e e r r v v i i c c e e s s t t o o I I n n c c r r e e a a s s e e Y Y o o u u r r C C o o m m p p e e t t i i t t i i v v e e A A d d v v a a n n t t a a g g e e A A n n d d M M a a y y b b e e E E v v e e n n Y Y o o u u r r P P r r o o f f i i t t a a b b i i l l i i t t y y ! ! Questions? You may contact Jim at: 800-526-0074 [email protected] Name __________________________________________________________ © Copyright 11/2013 Jim Pancero, Inc. Dallas TX www.pancero.com Advanced Sales & Sales Management Training for the Experienced Professional

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““SSeelllliinngg SSeerrvviicceess ttoo IInnccrreeaassee YYoouurr

CCoommppeettiittiivvee AAddvvaannttaaggee……AAnndd MMaayybbee EEvveenn

YYoouurr PPrrooffiittaabbiilliittyy!!””

Questions? You may contact Jim at:800-526-0074

[email protected]

Name __________________________________________________________

© Copyright 11/2013 Jim Pancero, Inc. Dallas TXwww.pancero.com

Advanced Sales & Sales Management Trainingfor the Experienced Professional

Page 2: “Selling Services to Increase Your Competitive Advantage ... · competitively complex products and services. keynote speeches, training programs and in ... A personal Internet search

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Jim Pancero has the most advanced, leadingsales and sales management training available today. Everything he doesis extensively researched and has one bottom line focus...to increase anorganization's strategic

Jim's work focuses on sales organizations with high priced, large and/orcompetitively complex products and services.keynote speeches, training programs and inhis innovative selling processes and strategies for the new economy andglobal marketplace.

Even during a sixtymembers of his audience with proven, immediately usable advanced ideasto increase their competitive advantage and enhance their sellingprocesses. His combination of humor and realfrom his experience researching and training in over 80

Jim has been directly involved inyears. Six of those years were spent successfully selling the largestcomputer systems for the Data Processing Division of the IBM Corporation.During Jim's prestigious IBM career he earned several awards including thecoveted "Goldentheir international sales force.

In 1982, Jim founded his advanced sales training and consulting company.Since then, Jim has conducted over 3,000 presentations or consulting daysfor 600 companies prOver 90% of Jim's clients utilize his services more than once. You can learnmore about Jim at Pancero.com as well view video clips on YouTube




has the most advanced, leading-edge "businesssales and sales management training available today. Everything he doesis extensively researched and has one bottom line focus...to increase anorganization's strategic competitive advantage and market uniqueness.

Jim's work focuses on sales organizations with high priced, large and/orcompetitively complex products and services. His informationkeynote speeches, training programs and in-depth consulting work dhis innovative selling processes and strategies for the new economy andglobal marketplace.

Even during a sixty-minute keynote, Jim provides the most experiencedmembers of his audience with proven, immediately usable advanced ideas

their competitive advantage and enhance their sellingprocesses. His combination of humor and real-world examples evolvedfrom his experience researching and training in over 80 different industries.

Jim has been directly involved in "business-to-business" selling for over 40years. Six of those years were spent successfully selling the largestcomputer systems for the Data Processing Division of the IBM Corporation.During Jim's prestigious IBM career he earned several awards including the

"Golden Circle" designation annually awarded to the top 5% oftheir international sales force.

In 1982, Jim founded his advanced sales training and consulting company.Since then, Jim has conducted over 3,000 presentations or consulting daysfor 600 companies providing a career average of five events per client.Over 90% of Jim's clients utilize his services more than once. You can learnmore about Jim at Pancero.com as well view video clips on YouTube


Advanced Sales & Sales Management Trainingfor the Experienced Professional

"business-to-business"sales and sales management training available today. Everything he doesis extensively researched and has one bottom line focus...to increase an

competitive advantage and market uniqueness.

Jim's work focuses on sales organizations with high priced, large and/orHis information-intensive

depth consulting work detailhis innovative selling processes and strategies for the new economy and

minute keynote, Jim provides the most experiencedmembers of his audience with proven, immediately usable advanced ideas

their competitive advantage and enhance their sellingworld examples evolved

different industries.

selling for over 40years. Six of those years were spent successfully selling the largestcomputer systems for the Data Processing Division of the IBM Corporation.During Jim's prestigious IBM career he earned several awards including the

designation annually awarded to the top 5% of

In 1982, Jim founded his advanced sales training and consulting company.Since then, Jim has conducted over 3,000 presentations or consulting days

oviding a career average of five events per client.Over 90% of Jim's clients utilize his services more than once. You can learnmore about Jim at Pancero.com as well view video clips on YouTube®

Advanced Sales & Sales Management Training

Questions? Email: [email protected]

Jim Pancero, Inc., Dallas TXhone: 800.526.0074

Email: [email protected]

Jim Pancero, Inc., Dallas TXhone: 800.526.0074 ♦ Fax: 866.238.1692

3-2014 Jim Pancero, Inc.


Page 1


Page 3: “Selling Services to Increase Your Competitive Advantage ... · competitively complex products and services. keynote speeches, training programs and in ... A personal Internet search

© Copyright 2013-2014 Jim Pancero, Inc. Page 2


- The Past - Majority of costs were in procurement, storing and distributing of products

- Service and information were difficult to quantify so were not charged

- Today - Only a matter of when each industry changes – not if

- The Future – The more competitive the industry the less likely any competitor willbe able to charge for “added value” services and information

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© Copyright 2013-2014 Jim Pancero, Inc. Page 3


- Gaining a competitive advantage (and increased profitability)

1st - Differentiation of location

2nd - Differentiation of products

3rd - Differentiation of services

4th - Differentiation and control of information & customer connectivity

- The Reality Today

- Your “services” and “information & customer connectivity” costs areincreasing much faster than any change in product or delivery costing

- How much did you spend last year on “free support services” and informationmanagement (technology and staff)?

- How large do those costs need to get before you need to start charging forthose services and information?

- Your competitors will do more to drive this change than will your buyers

- Sensitivity to anti-trust and collusion laws

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© Copyright 2013-2014 Jim Pancero, Inc. Page 4


- Buyers today assume:

1) Total access and availability to all competitors due to the Internet

2) Quality no longer a competitive advantage

3) A personal Internet search (by an untrained buyer) is a complete and accurateindustry/competitor search

- In some industries as many as half of all buyers have configured the wrongproduct or service through their independent Internet search

4) Because of increased competitive options from the Internet I can buythe lowest price without sacrificing anything (value, service or quality)

5) All information is (or should be) free

- Buyers are not willing to pay for information or training assuming it’s allalready available for free…somewhere on the Internet

Suggestion – Use Jim’s “SWAT Team Selling – The Power of Five Quick Questions”video at a sales meeting

- This 9-minute video discusses this Internet challenge and offers a sellingtechnique/approach to re-gain control of your sales call and buyer

- Video link: The Power of Five Quick Questions

- Free at www.pancero.com or on www.youtube.com/2sellmore

- Show any of Jim’s videos at your sales meetings and then ask your team to discuss:

1) What did you think of Jim’s observations and ideas?

2) How relevant are those ideas to us, our business andour customers?

3) What do you think we should do about it?

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- The more value, need, risk or hassles we can assign to a service, then the morelikely we will be able to charge for the delivery of that service

- The greater your buyer’s potential pain or need for increased connectivity, then thegreater a price they will pay to either avoid that pain or increase theirconnectivity

- How are you selling to “The FUD Factor” (Fear, uncertainty and doubt)

- How much effort is your sales team investing now to identify how you can bestaddress your buyer’s value, need, risk or hassles?

Suggestion – Use Jim’s “Are You Selling to Their FUD Factor?” video at a salesmeeting

- This 5-minute video discusses how to communicate your value and uniqueness toa buyer by focusing on their “FUD” factors (and how you can help)

- Video link: Are You Selling to Their FUD Factor?

- Free at www.pancero.com or on www.youtube.com/2sellmore

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© Copyright 2013-2014 Jim Pancero, Inc. Page 6


- Amazed

- Impressed

- Expected

- Assumed

Suggestion – “How Impressive is Your Customer Service?” video at a sales meeting

- This 8-minute video asks you to evaluate your current (and future) customer service levelsfrom the buyer's perspective…and then to discuss what you plan to do about it.

- Video link: "How Can We Improve Our Customer Service?"

- Free at www.pancero.com or on www.youtube.com/2sellmore

- Great to share at a service and/or support team meeting

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© Copyright 2013-2014 Jim Pancero, Inc. Page 7


1st Level – “Service is an added value”

- Profitability is in your products, services are provided free as “added value”

2nd Level – “Charge the tourists”

- Charge for service levels to your infrequent or smaller customers

- Offer the chargeable services for free to your most important customers (as “addedvalue”)

- Use the promise of extra services as a negotiating point to prevent lowering yourprice to win the business

3rd Level – “Charge to begin”

- “Will do your inventory planning for you for $500.00. If you order all your productsfrom us you get a $500.00 credit”

- Means “tourists” will pay while your better customers get it free

4th level – “Charge for value provided”

- In the early 1980’s 90% of IBM’s revenues came from hardware

- Today hardware is less than 10%

- Pick the services to charge that are causing your buyers the most pain

- Most likely in information availability and decision control

- Charging for services also means you increasing the responsibility (andconsequences) you are willing to assume

- You will only be able to charge for a service when you can prove hard dollar buyersavings as a direct result of that service

- Need to show (and prove) customer case studies that validate how the chargeableservices significantly lowered the buyer’s costs, hassles or risk.

- You will only be able to start charging when you significantly upgrade a serviceor information control

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© Copyright 2013-2014 Jim Pancero, Inc. Page 8


1) Start identifying what your buyers are getting used to from others

- Who is selling against you (and the services they are offering)?

- Who else is selling to your same buyers (even though they are non-competitors) andwhat services are they providing your buyer?

2) Get creative – steal from other industries

- Plagiarism is a term that only counts when you are getting a grade

- Study how other non-competitive industries are making this “free to chargeable”change to their business/profit models

- Ask vendors and consultants calling on you what they have seen happen within otherindustries

- Outside consultants tend to provide “new/different” while consultants fromwithin your industry tend to provide “better”

3) Do your homework

- Invest in a significant improvement of service to move to a chargeable model

- The hardest change model is to start charging for a service that was formallyavailable for free

- Beta test any new services with customers who will agree to share their results andbe showcased by your team

- Lead any future “services selling” discussions with the math proving your results andimpact

- The “center line” of all buyers is profitability. The more you can focus on yournew products/services impact on their profitability…the more of acompetitive advantage you will gain

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© Copyright 2013-2014 Jim Pancero, Inc. Page 9


4) Which marketing/promotional model best fits your level of “risk tolerance?”

- The Everett Rogers Technology Adaption Lifecycle Model:

5) The leaders of an industry…

- Spend more money and make a lot of mistakes being first

- Gain the greatest (and longest) payoffs when you occasionally hit it really right

- Which level of risk/change will make you the most money over the next 20 years?

- Which minimum level of risk/change will you need to maintain just to stay in businessover the next 20 years?

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““SSWWAATT TTeeaamm SSeelllliinngg –– LLeeaaddiinngg YYoouurr TTeeaamm ttoo aa CCoommppeettiittiivvee AAddvvaannttaaggee””




""IIss yyoouurr ssaalleess tteeaamm ffuunnccttiioonniinngg aass aa ccoolllleeccttiioonn ooff iinnddeeppeennddeenntt gguunn ffiigghhtteerrss eeaacchh cchhoooossiinngg

Copyright 2013-2014 Jim Pancero, Inc. Page 10

Step 1 – Senior/Executive level – Commit to a more “Selling Process Coaching”style of sales management.

- Who will take responsibility for actively coaching each sales team member?

- How will you free up sales management time and responsibilities so they havemore time to coach and lead their sales team?

Step 2 – Senior/Executive level (with input from selected sales managers andsenior sales reps) - Identify & develop your team’s “Selling Best Practices”

- Account planning forms and coaching process – Standardized accountplanning/coaching forms to help your sales reps prepare for theirmanagement coaching sessions

- “Why buy from me” messaging - Having a brief message of strategiccompetitive uniqueness and value being consistently delivered by allmembers of your sales team

- “ID to Close” new business stepped selling process - Multiple-stepped plan toproactively strategize and implement when selling to a new prospect orselling a new business opportunity to an existing customer.

- “1/1 to 12/31” plans to support and grow your best customers - Multiple-steppedplan to proactively maintain and grow an existing customer.

Step 3 – Front line Sales Managers - Teach your sales managers how to shiftfrom being “Transactional Managers” to “Selling Process Coaches.”

- The average sales manager today does little coaching or leadership but insteadfocuses all of their efforts on merely supporting their sales team withspecial pricing, expediting, problem solving and customer thank you calls.Time, and coaching skills, needs to be committed each week to get moreinvolved as a coach and strategist to each member of your sales team.

tthheeiirr oowwnn ttaarrggeettss oorr aa ttrraaiinneedd uunniitt wwiitthh pprroocceessss,, ssttrruuccttuurreess,, ssttrraatteeggyy aanndd ddiirreeccttiioonn??""

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© Copyright 2013-2

““SSWWAATT TTeeaamm SSeelllliinngg –– LLeeaaddiinngg YYoouurr TTeeaamm ttoo aa CCoommppeettiittiivvee AAddvvaannttaaggee””PPaaggee 22

- Step 4 – Sales Reps and their Sales Managers - Teach your sales team how to bestutilize your defined “Selling Best Practices” and account planning.

- The marketplace has changed. Customers are less loyal, more demanding andare more price sensitive. Your competitors are effective sellingprofessionals with a solid set of existing customers, offering provenproducts at a very competitive price.

- Your ability to win competitively in this intensive market will be based on yourcapability to consistently implement all areas of your selling expertise,functioning with your team (and sales manager) to apply the“SWAT Team Selling Best Practices” and proven philosophies that canbest increase your competitive advantage and selling success.

-- GGooaallss//oouuttccoommeess ffrroomm ccoommpplleettiinngg tthheessee ffoouurr sstteeppss ttoowwaarrdd ““SSWWAATT TTeeaamm SSeelllliinngg””

- Sales professionals utilizing a “SWAT Team Selling” multiple-stepped thinking,planning, and selling approach

- Sales professionals better maintaining and growing their important customersthrough structured account planning and coaching from their sales manager.

- All sales team members communicating a consistent and stronger message ofcompetitive uniqueness when any customer asks “Why do I want to buyfrom you?”

- All sales team members understanding and following a consistent set of“Selling Best Practices.”

- All sales team members gaining an understanding of how to sell, as a team, asingle solution of customer-focused value through all departments withinyour organization.

- All sales team members gaining an appreciation and confidence that they are“good enough to get better.”

Watch my SWAT Team Selling videos at Pancero.com orYouTube.com/2sellmore

014 Jim Pancero, Inc. Page 11

Still have questions? 800-526-0074 or [email protected]

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© Copyright 2013-2014 Jim Pancero, Inc.


Evaluate a salesperson (or yourself) assigning one of5 – Consistently excels and demonstrates an advanced effectiveness at this skill.4 – Occasionally succeeds at demonstrating control and mastery of this skill.3 – Shows some control and understanding of this skill.2 – Show weak or little control or understanding of this skill.1 – Has low to little awareness or attempts to utilize this skill.

Personal Persuasiveness

Q1 - Personal Persuasiveness With Customers?- “Good on their feet” in front of customers. Persuasive no matter how brief their selling time.- Ability to build strong relationships with a full range of personalities, ages, and job positions.- Strong product/industry skills. Helps customers improve their business and e

Q2 – Effective Customer Information Controls?- All customer contact information kept accurate and up to date.- Strong history notes on all significant customer activities in your computer system.

Tactical Control Of Your Assigned

Q3 – Actively Prospecting For New Business?- Ongoing efforts to discover and sell new applications/equipment to existing customers.- Ongoing efforts to discover and sell applications/equipment to new or competitive custo

Q4 – Ability to Maintain And Grow Existing Customers?- Ability to maintain high customer satisfaction ratings and feedback.- Successfully handles customer problems and inquiries in a timely and persuasive manner.- Has developed strong, long

Q5 – Proactive Control of New Business Selling Processes?- Thinks and plans multiple sales moves ahead with majority of selling opportunities.- Has a written “selling game plan”- Can explain next three planned account selling moves or actions at any time for any account.

Q6 – Accurate Forecasting & Ability To Predict Sales Results?- Develops and maintains a full year sales forec- Ability to predict upcoming wins and losses with a strong degree of accuracy.- Keeps management updated with ongoing accurate and timely sales forecasts and reports.

Ability to Communicate, Position and Sell Your Uniqueness

Q7 – Ability To Win “Higher Priced”- Ability to sell your value and competitive uniqueness so you can win a customer’s businesswithout being the lowest price or without significantly cutting prices or profit margins.

Q8 – Ability To Communicate and Position Competitive Uniqueness and Value?- Briefly and persuasively communicates your messages of competitive uniqueness and value to all

customer selling opportunities.

Q9 – Strong Competitive Awareness?- No major competitive losses in your territory.- Demonstrates strong awareness of competitor’s products, pricing, and selling messages.- Ability to proactively neutralize and sell against competitive selling messages and strategies.

Commitment to Being “Good Enough To Get Be

Q10 – Is Coachable With A Positive Attitude And Work Ethic?- Is a “Student of Selling”- Helps improve others selling skills.- Committed to helping our team become stronger and more

Page 12


Evaluate a salesperson (or yourself) assigning one of five scores to each question:Consistently excels and demonstrates an advanced effectiveness at this skill.Occasionally succeeds at demonstrating control and mastery of this skill.Shows some control and understanding of this skill.

ow weak or little control or understanding of this skill.Has low to little awareness or attempts to utilize this skill.

Personal Persuasiveness With Customers?in front of customers. Persuasive no matter how brief their selling time.

Ability to build strong relationships with a full range of personalities, ages, and job positions.Strong product/industry skills. Helps customers improve their business and equipment usage.

Effective Customer Information Controls?All customer contact information kept accurate and up to date.Strong history notes on all significant customer activities in your computer system.

Tactical Control Of Your Assigned Territory and Selling Processes

Actively Prospecting For New Business?Ongoing efforts to discover and sell new applications/equipment to existing customers.Ongoing efforts to discover and sell applications/equipment to new or competitive custo

Ability to Maintain And Grow Existing Customers?Ability to maintain high customer satisfaction ratings and feedback.Successfully handles customer problems and inquiries in a timely and persuasive manner.Has developed strong, long-term relationships with majority of customers.

Proactive Control of New Business Selling Processes?Thinks and plans multiple sales moves ahead with majority of selling opportunities.

“selling game plan” in place for all major selling opportunities.Can explain next three planned account selling moves or actions at any time for any account.

Accurate Forecasting & Ability To Predict Sales Results?Develops and maintains a full year sales forecast for assigned territory.Ability to predict upcoming wins and losses with a strong degree of accuracy.Keeps management updated with ongoing accurate and timely sales forecasts and reports.

Ability to Communicate, Position and Sell Your Uniqueness and Value

“Higher Priced” Business?Ability to sell your value and competitive uniqueness so you can win a customer’s business

without being the lowest price or without significantly cutting prices or profit margins.

To Communicate and Position Competitive Uniqueness and Value?Briefly and persuasively communicates your messages of competitive uniqueness and value to all

customer selling opportunities.

Strong Competitive Awareness?losses in your territory.

Demonstrates strong awareness of competitor’s products, pricing, and selling messages.Ability to proactively neutralize and sell against competitive selling messages and strategies.

“Good Enough To Get Better”

Is Coachable With A Positive Attitude And Work Ethic?“Student of Selling” trying new ways to sell and seeks coaching advice from others.

Helps improve others selling skills.Committed to helping our team become stronger and more competitive.

in front of customers. Persuasive no matter how brief their selling time.Ability to build strong relationships with a full range of personalities, ages, and job positions.

quipment usage.

Strong history notes on all significant customer activities in your computer system.

Ongoing efforts to discover and sell new applications/equipment to existing customers.Ongoing efforts to discover and sell applications/equipment to new or competitive customers.

Successfully handles customer problems and inquiries in a timely and persuasive manner.

Thinks and plans multiple sales moves ahead with majority of selling opportunities.

Can explain next three planned account selling moves or actions at any time for any account.

Keeps management updated with ongoing accurate and timely sales forecasts and reports.

Ability to sell your value and competitive uniqueness so you can win a customer’s businesswithout being the lowest price or without significantly cutting prices or profit margins.

To Communicate and Position Competitive Uniqueness and Value?Briefly and persuasively communicates your messages of competitive uniqueness and value to all

Demonstrates strong awareness of competitor’s products, pricing, and selling messages.Ability to proactively neutralize and sell against competitive selling messages and strategies.

trying new ways to sell and seeks coaching advice from others.

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© Copyright 2013-2014 Jim Pancero, Inc. Page 13


Evaluate yourself by circling a number for each question:

Non-existent Weak "Just Average" Leading "Best Practice"

Your Role as an Administrator, Problem Solver and Disciplinarian

1 2 3 4 5 #1 - Your skills as an organized administrator are…?

1 2 3 4 5 #2 - Your skills coaching your sales reps through problem solving are…?

1 2 3 4 5 #3 - Your skills managing and coaching the pricing and profitability decisions of your teams are…?

Your Ability to Build and Retain a Sales Team

1 2 3 4 5 #4 - Your “new sales person” searching and interviewing skills are…?

1 2 3 4 5 #5 - Your “new hire” sales training program is…?

1 2 3 4 5 #6 - Your “Performance Plan” program in place for each member of your team is…?

1 2 3 4 5 #7 - Your ongoing “experienced sales team” training process is…?

1 2 3 4 5 #8 - Your accessibility to your sales force is…?

Your Ability to Lead

1 2 3 4 5 #9 - Your sales team would rate their satisfaction level working for you as…?

1 2 3 4 5 #10 - Your amount of “positive focused” communications with your team is..?

1 2 3 4 5 #11 - Your ability to initiate new ideas and account planning conversations with your team is…?

1 2 3 4 5 #12 - Your ability to delegate to your sales team is…?

Your Ability to be a Coach & Strategist of Your Selling Process

1 2 3 4 5 #13 - Your ability to organize and lead your team as a single market force is…?

1 2 3 4 5 #14 - Your team’s ability to communicate a single message of competitive uniquenessand market leadership is…?

1 2 3 4 5 #15 - Your ongoing new business prospecting process currently in place is…?

1 2 3 4 5 #16 - Your marketing and promotional skills are…?

1 2 3 4 5 #17 - Your ability to commit time to individually coach and strategize with each ofyour sales reps is…?

1 2 3 4 5 #18 - Percentage of time spent talking “future focused” with your reps is...?

1 2 3 4 5 #19 - Your ability and time committed to talking “tactical and strategic focused” withyour sales reps are…?

1 2 3 4 5 #20 - Your ability to communicate with customers to help your sales reps get “higher,wider and deeper” is…?

1 2 3 4 5

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© Copyright 2013-2014 Jim Pancero, Inc.


- Articles for Sales Pros and Sales Managers to help you with InEach article has a "Print &printer or create a PDF, your choice.http://www.pancero

- MP3's - MP3 audio training by Jim that you can listen to whileplayed from your phone or tablet.http://www.pancero.com/free

- Videos - Watch training videos from Jim. Sales and Sales Management topicsare covered, including new videos coveringcoming so bookmark the site.http://www.pancero.com/free

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for Sales Pros and Sales Managers to help you with In-House training.Each article has a "Print & PDF" button that will format the article for yourprinter or create a PDF, your choice.


MP3 audio training by Jim that you can listen to while on the go, can beplayed from your phone or tablet.http://www.pancero.com/free-resources

Watch training videos from Jim. Sales and Sales Management topicsare covered, including new videos covering SWAT Team Selling and morecoming so bookmark the site.http://www.pancero.com/free-resources


House training.PDF" button that will format the article for your

on the go, can be

Watch training videos from Jim. Sales and Sales Management topicsSWAT Team Selling and more

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Download a PDF copy of this workbook: http://www.pancero.com/naed

Watch the pre-program NAED promotional video:


Watch a follow-up video from today's program recorded foryou and NAED:
